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Profile Information

  • Location
    Watertown, NY
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, guns, knives, motorcycles and art in general

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Knife sheaths, holsters and anything that interests me.
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather armour and clothing
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    While searching info about leather sewing machines.

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Member (2/4)

  1. I like it. Better than my first attempt a month ago. I'm still learning daily and The main lesson I've learned is you can't get better unless you keep at it. Practice, practice, practice. That's why I'm working on my 10th knife sheath today, lol. Hope to see more of your work.
  2. Black guns matter.......lol.
  3. Cheap and classy tool rack.... I pick up circular smoking pipe racks from the antique shops. Usually in the 5-10 dollar range. Handy to use when working on project. Most are round, and hold about 8 of your tools like tooling stamps, awls, etc.
  4. Thanks Dan, I've been collecting vintage NY hunting knives for a while, and they looked naked without sheaths, lol. I knocked them out pretty quickly just to improve my skills, and see what worked, and what didn't. My main lesson learned....repetition improves outcome. Now I need to quit stalling and start using my swivel knife.... I know my first examples will be horrendous, and I'm not excited to waste perfectly good leather, but I know only practice will make it improve. Take care. Greg
  5. I vote it started out as a rod out of a engine, lol.
  6. Welcome to the forum Sam! Please show us some pics of the holster you made. I'm new to leathercrafting also, and really enjoy seeing everyone's creations. Take care, and God bless.
  7. A few more pics....
  8. Hello all, Novice leatherworker who has been lurking on this site for about a month, and the info here has been indispensable. I learn something new every time I come here. Just started sheath making a month ago and can't wait to improve my skills with tips from the forums. Will try to attach some pics of recent projects. Have a great day and pound some leather!
  9. Just a test.....
  10. Welcome to the site! I'm new here also, as of today. Been lurking for about a month, and making knife sheaths for about two months ago. I will try to attach some pics.....when I figure how...
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