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    Just started leatherwork

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Learning at the moment
  • Interested in learning about
    designing, stitching
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    Internet search

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  1. Like a couple of others I wanted a granite slab. On th way back from a music lesson I spied a Kitchen worktop designer who specialised in granite work tops, went in and said what I was after, "yep, come out to the skip" got a piece about 7" x 14' for nothing! They were going to throw it way, loads more in there. But like some of the other ideas above.
  2. Yes I have had to do it to. As some one mentioned, a Stitch Ripper, you can buy them in sewing/haberdashery shops, normally used with cloth, the have a long rounded spike the won't dig into the leather or cloth and a sharp mini blade to cut the thread. They only cost a couple of pounds and are very handy. Here's a link to UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=stitch+rippers&tag=mh0a9-21&index=aps&hvadid=2978721297&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_1vof0whjte_e
  3. Thanks Talaman, that was in fact the first coin pouch and my first project, if you look closely you can see that the card 'slots' are stitched on the outside. My second one had the card slots stitched on the inside.
  4. Thanks fredk, will order some up. GR
  5. Hello, If you look at my profile you will see I am very new to leatherwork. One thing i am confused on is what type of dye should you use and what type of finish coat with it to make it durable and waterproof. I have read a few posts, blogs and watched videos on Youtube, but not sure if you are using an oil dye which 'top finish' should go with it. Can you use an oil dye and finish with a water-based waterproofer? in my mind oil and water don't mix. In other words are there combinations of product that should be used together? I have also read where someone used a top finish to see that it degraded (if that is the correct word) after a while and a reply was that you should reapply the finish, but when you purchase leather goods in the shop, you don't have to take it back after 1 or 2 years to have the finish/waterproofing re-applied. Thanks Graham
  6. I have just started leatherwork having got into it through taking up the banjo. I wanted to make a strap so bought an Inkle Loom, but hadn't thought how to attach the strap to the banjo, in comes the idea of leather. I have now made 3 straps! I then wanted a coin pouch, but one that would hold cards and maybe a single note. My other half thought it so good she wanted one as well. The next projects are a new cover for my 'Filofax', a 'Man-bag' to hold it and wallets, I find my pockets bulge with wallet, coin purse and other small things I find I cannot go out without, like a small camera. So found this website and forum and have sat for a couple of evenings just trawling.
  7. Thanks Mikesc, has given me an idea. Having just started leatherwork I was given a Dik-Dik skin and wondered what to do with it. As I gain confidence working leather I could attempt to make a Sporran for my Son-in-law. GrimR
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