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About Forester

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/23/1960

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  • Interests
    Leather working, Military

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  • Interested in learning about
    All things leather

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  1. Hi Forester, I'd like to second the question about the Hand of God holster performance additions.  Did you put those on the holster, the pictures look like you did.  Are there any helpful hints you could pass along?



  2. Hello 1st Staffords, sorry not been on the site for a while, ask away. Forester
  3. Hello All How do you size a Buscadero belt, can't get my head around it, is it picture 1 or 2, thank you in advance, have to make a Lone Ranger rig for a customer. Regards Forester
  4. Got the knifes from Etsy, just type in MOD Survival knife.
  5. UK Ministry Of Defense knife sheaths ready to ship! Always struggled with the finish on my leather work, with a bit of experimentation i now give them a coat or two of bag kote, let them dry, then i apply leather balm with atom wax let it dry and then polish, normally i give 2 applications of the wax and then i am happy with the finish. Hope this helps other people having problems with their project finishes. Forester
  6. Very nice rig Samalan, i really like the buckle and the design of the belt keeper, may have to steal that !
  7. Thanks Josh Yet again something not available in the UK, will struggle on with Tan Kote! Forester
  8. Hi Josh Beautiful work as always, i always struggle with the finish on my projects, i use Tan Kote, you said you use M&G cut 50/50 with water, is that a finish? Forester
  9. Hi Wyatt Earp, not sold yet, having some issues with the sizing of the belt. I won't sell anything until i know i can reproduce it in any size ordered, as one member said there is not a lot of wiggle room, so the size has to be correct. Forester
  10. Hi Jesse I did 22 years in the British Army, and i started when i retired as well Forester
  11. Nice work, where did you get the buckle on the holster? What colour dye did you use?
  12. You may be a newcomer to the site but not to leatherwork, really nice work.
  13. I thought Wyatt Earp was dead, but if he wasn't he would sure be proud of that rig, really nice job!
  14. Hi All Lone Ranger Gun Rig with one finished holster due to shop only sending me one strap buckle, when I ordered two, really wanted to get it up for sale, will have to wait another 7-11 days for the buckle set. I will have to do some thinking on the price for it, few months of planning and research have gone into it. Regards Forester
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