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Everything posted by Elom

  1. I wanted to try and make a leather card/money holder out of thick leather and I have decided to give it a try. Here is a finished product. In the process of making that I have learned a few things that will be beneficial to my future experimenting. To polish that edge I have used only beeswax and some cloth. It did take quite a long time to achieve that, still not perfect but I am happy with the result. Few more pictures I have uploaded to my website if someone is interested: Elom-Leatherworks
  2. Gorgeous looking work
  3. Beautiful work, looking forward to seeing more work from you.
  4. Hello dear leather crafters. I decided to give it a try and make a simple leather bracelet. To make it stand out a little bit I stamped a pattern onto it and use some red edge color as an accent color. Every comment is very welcome and if anyone is interested in step by step process how to do it, feel free to check it out on my website. Elom-Leatherworks
  5. Great work, I really like the design pattern you stamped in on the darker one.
  6. Very beautiful work you have done, that carving and coloring are just gorgeous. Which thickness of the leather have you used for this project?
  7. Back from vacation and all other stuff to do with work. I live in Passau, a small city in southern Bayern.
  8. Thank you to all three for fast and constructive response. I will definitely try the processes you have provided me with, looking forward to make straight stitching line. To eliminate wavy edges i will be looking into buying a 0.5 - 0.6 mm thread instead of using the current one which is 1mm.
  9. I will present two of the problems that really bother me about my leather working. Lets start with the easier one, that would be about stitching holes. How do you punch straight holes through both sides of leather with stitching prick. 99% of the time when I am practicing, the line on the upper piece of leather is straight then when I turn the leather to see how it went through I just want to cry, sometimes is diagonally, sometimes straight, sometimes of the edges. There is just no way that I can nail straight holes where I marked the line on both sides. Examples of that are visible on wallet with red thread. I have punched holes from the inside started at the top (I know it is not in straight line, must work on that) and on the other outer side it went completely diagonally in other direction, I would understand that it went inwards but it went outward and over the edges as visible on picture. Second problem that I kind of frustrates me is about making edges smooth and nicely painted. I sand my edges and they are really smooth but I just cant apply edge color evenly. I can apply, then sand it down and repeat this process 3-4 times and still edges look like waves of ocean. How does one make smooth colored edges? (Problem is clearly visible on card pockets of red thread wallet) I appreciate your time and help.
  10. Hello, My name is Elvis ( believe it or not ), already 31 years on this gorgeous planet, originally from Slovenia, but at 24 I have moved to Austria, and at 29 I have moved to Germany, what Is my next stop I have no clue. I have recently started to pay attention to how things are done out of beautiful material called leather. Mostly what interests me are wallets, bags, knife sheets, belts and other smaller accessories and all those details that makes a leather product stand out. I am definitely eager to learn and with years of practices to come to the point when I can say, I am happy with what I have created, until then I am not stopping. So far I have "created": - 2 wallets - 2 keychains - 1 smaller belt bag - 1 smartphone bag that was renamed to miscellaneous product since smartphone did not fit
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