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Everything posted by fiftycrushplan

  1. Here it is. I actually really like it.
  2. Hello all I have a Tippmann Boss I want to part with. Less than 1 year old. Cobbler bench can be included. $1150 OBO. Thank you very much text with questions 502 418 5440
  3. Yeah I kept playing with the double R idea I just couldn't figure out a design I liked. Oh well the stamp was $43. I can evolve my logo in time.
  4. This guy on etsy. He is super cheap too. He has made me a lot of stamps. His username is in the top left of the picture. He only charged me $43 for this one.
  5. Yeah its in the mail currently. It came out pretty good. It is .75" squared.
  6. So I finally decided to design a maker's mark and give my work a name if you will. Tell me what you think of my company name and design.
  7. Hello all, I am looking to sell my Tippmann Boss with Cobblers bench. I am in Louisville Kentucky I am looking to get $1350 for everything. If interested let me know, I can send you pictures. Thank you very much. Andrew
  8. Here is what I did with the original. Turned it onto a sheath.
  9. Thanks everyone! I have been meaning to get some tan kote for a while now. If I am not mistaken will tan kote smooth out the fleshy side of leather as well? Or is that edge coat? Thanks all for the compliments. It does feel pretty cool to say I have gone from mere sheath maker to tooling apprentice LOL.
  10. I ordered the fiebings antique dye but I also got the eco flo and I used the eco flo on this one. I thought it looked better when I was testing it out. I used 50/50 resolene to water for finish as all I have is resolene and aussie conditioner.
  11. Here is an update I re-done the piece with your alls advice and used antique gel. I like this one much better.
  12. I want to make a belt for the first time. What dye is best for this and what type of finish do you guys apply afterwards? Thanks.
  13. Wow, Thanks guys! Figure beveler? I will pick one up. I am going to get some antique gel stain as well. After gel stain is it best to do a 50/50 water resolene seal or should I do something different? Thanks again guys.
  14. Can anyone recommend a good antique stain for tooling? I wanna die the background s brown but have the antique look for the tooling.
  15. It is a pece of art. I just watched a youtube video and I should of used antique stain for the tooling part. Do you recommend any?
  16. Hey guys this is my first attempt at tooling I think if I perfected the beveling around the image it would really make the image pop out any tips would be great thanks!
  17. Hello all! I just purchased some Aussie Leather Conditioner from tandy. How do you guys use the conditioner? I plan on using fiebings pro dye then applying a light coat of the Aussie after it dries. I was previously using 50/50 water/ resolene. Can anyone give me some input on how they used Aussie? Thank you very much.
  18. Hey guys just wanna see if I can get some feedback from the progression between the 2 sheaths. The first knife I made is a hunting/skinner made from 1095 steel grinded at a 22 degree angle with a rockwell hardness of around 58. The second knife is a bushcraft knife also made from 1095 steel ground at a 25 degree angle and also has a rockwell hardness around 58.
  19. I will post my next sheath I make for my Chopper I bought a few more tools that should help me make things look nicer LOL
  20. Yeah it has a welt. It actually turned out great. I made a small lip I guess you could say at the top of the welt that holds the blade tight. Pulling it in and out has kind of a "click" feel to it and it is super snug. Blade smithing is fun. I learned using youtube. just like I learned leatherwork haha.
  21. I plan on making a knife sheath for a competition chopper I just made. I am going to attempt to make the retaining strap attach with a sam browne button, I really like the style.
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