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Everything posted by blackhammer

  1. real nice
  2. I have braided 1, so I'm far from an expert on the matter. I recommend that you tear down an old rope and go from there. That's the way I did it anyway. i also got on a coupla sites of pro bull rope makers. You can learn quite a bit just by looking at photos.
  3. Just amazing! Any one who hasnt been there, bernie's web site will in fact cause early onset dementia. awesome work.
  4. I made a set out of chute cord (I know, sacrilege) for a friend. they turned out fairly well, but they didnt feel right to me. My buddy deemed pleased though. Sent me a 4oo dollar bowie knife in trade, so there you go.
  5. Real nice work!
  6. Looks real nice. No rush on the saddle article. I try to visit your web site as often as I can. Really impressive stuff.
  7. Oh my! Just awesome.
  8. Beautifully done.
  9. Nicely done. Wish my stuff looked that good.
  10. Ahh man. Sorry to hear bout your horse. Is he hurt bad?
  11. Beautiful work
  12. Nice. Glad it worked out so well for you. Still waitin on that saddle info btw! Ha!
  13. Looked it up last night. Page 11. good luck.
  14. Grant's encyclopedia gives proportions for the white gas/ parafin mixture near the introduction. He says that its used for "sizing sleazy leather". He also advises to use caution as the vapors hug the ground and can travel a considerable distance. If anyone here has any experience with meth labs (from the busting side) they will advise you that Grant is correct. When those vapors go, they go big. Not trying to discourage anyone, just be very very careful.
  15. Very very clean work.
  16. Beautiful. Did you post that knife on armas blancas? It Sure looks familiar. To the rest of the group, If you havant been to armasblancas.ar, you are missing out on some incredible S. American work. If I might ask, is the blade on your knife Arbolito? If so, do you know how I might be able to order some from the U.S./ Ive heard that they are very well made and it looks like a lot of folks down there use them. Again, wonderfully done.
  17. I stand in awe of the fine work you guys do. Just beautiful.
  18. If the owner loses those......... Dang nice job.
  19. well done.
  20. nicely done.
  21. That nose button looks real good.
  22. You sir border on unreal! Beautiful as always.
  23. Now look what you did. my wife saw this and now Ive got a new project to work on. Thanks a lot! Beautiful by the way.
  24. Aww, now that looks nice. I thought your hondas would look good on there. looks real fine. Ive got five hides coming in a coupla weeks, so as soon as they cure up, I'll be back at it again. Very nice, sir.
  25. Nice. Fun aint it.
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