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Everything posted by jamzdean

  1. Thank you JLSleather..but yes that would be a problem.
  2. Itch,,,that's a good thing to do..here in Florida I'm not sure what the options are.
  3. I have always purchased my carving leather from the local Tandy outlet...they have moved and I was wondering if anyone has a "good" online ordering source? I figure everyone has their favorites..I just can't afford to go through the "trial and error" process..any suggestions would greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. I have over "wet" my leather can I leave out..if so how long? and after putting it through the "bath" do I put it into the plastic bag??..and for how long? I do appreciate the article.
  5. I saw somewhere on here a couple of folks talking about cleaning the veg tan leather before dye is applied I believe lemon juice and or alcohol was mentioned could anyone help me with what is best? Thanks
  6. that is completely, totally the coolest..hmmm how's it work?
  7. I don't think that's a screw up at all...I am impressed! Nice carving job!
  8. I loved your ship post, can't wait to see more. I want to learn about coloring and dyeing.

  9. This is my "laboratory"...can you tell it's single guys place!
  10. Crap..! I've already made cuts, albeit light cuts, in the hair...I didn't know what else to do. Thank you for the suggestion I'll mess around with the modeling tool.
  11. First I must apologize for the picture quality, but it's the best I can do. The story; This is a copy of a Vargas girl that a friend wants on a purse..so am doing a test run to see if I can pull it off before ruining a purse kit. It's coming along maybe... but I get the "deer in the headlights" feeling when I look at the hair. I am very unsure of how to deal with it, it kinda just lays there now. Please give me some suggestions.. I know the real key to this turning out will be the "finishing" so I'll be back to ask how to do that.. Thanks in advance. Jim
  12. That would terrific Bruce, not having much luck finding what I would like. Again thanks. James
  13. ..If I don't stop reading all the older postings and looking at the work that's been done! so now I have another question what is the typical " casing solution" I have looked for the plain Ivory dish soap but can't find anything but the stuff with smell added to it.
  14. Thank you Tina....and I really do like the stuff you do...I am going to use your Rose pattern I found in an old post...I am on ebay as we speak having a hard time finding an actual pattern...any search suggestions?
  15. So if I am understanding this "more is better"... I am not familiar with the Art-combo light, it sounds interesting..best of both types.
  16. Can anyone direct me to or provide me with someplace(besides Tandy,I am looking for different syles)for tooling purse patterns? I am looking to make a present for a special someone...thanks in advance.
  17. Can anyone direct me to or provide me with someplace(besides Tandy,I am looking for different syles)for tooling purse patterns? I am looking to make a present for a special someone...thanks in advance.
  18. I have to do my leather at night like most, I guess. I was just wondering what kind of lighting most people used incandiscent causes shadows florescent doesn't seem bright enough...I have old eyes. You may think this a silly question but...
  19. I did..$25.00
  20. Want to introduce myself, my name is really James Dean..(wonder what my mother was thinking). I did leather carving 16 years ago but got away from it when life got in the way. I don't remember it being so hard to make the swivel knife do what I want or to bevel around a flower or make the background even. Looking at the work done by the folks on this site is very humbling and I hope to learn a lot from you all...and my local Tandy guy.
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