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Posts posted by MBOGO

  1. When I see stuff soooooo good I always have mixed feelings -- Inspired and Demoralised all in one go !!! But the inspiration part comes out on top everytime - if another human can produce this quality of art and craft -- then so can I -- just need a little more time and comittment !!!

    Excellent work and a GREAT Video KK !!!

    AWESOME - keep inspiring us !!


    My feeling exactly. As always a pleasure, thank you and keep it up.

    FREAK POWER 2012

  2. I didn't even know they made a blackhawk in 44 special. Great now I want one........and ill have to make a holster...n buy dies, n. Bullets.....now see what u started. Seriously I gotta get one...n I love the holster...


    Plus one flattop in stainless, plus blued Bisleys, plus blued and stainless Vaqueros. They are built on the original .357 Blackhawk (and Colt SAA) frame size, not the .44 Mag frame. Unfortunately, all the ones I mentioned are distributor exclusives, so limited time. Check out Rugers website, they are under Blackhawk, and Vaquero/distributor exclusives. They do shoot too.

    Happy hunting...

  3. For those who don't get American Rifleman, there is a feature on John Bianchi in it, you can view it online through American Rifleman http://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/John-Bianchi/ . It also appears that a book about him is coming out in October http://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/50-Years-of-Gunleather-book-review/ .

    Just thought I'd pass this along.

  4. Peoples knee jerk reactions to truthful responses can be funny. As for firearms, there are folks that are being fashionably anti, because the news is. When I get a knee jerk reaction, about guns, I politely point out, Wolves like to prey on sheep, and CCWs are good, because the wolves can't tell sheep from sheepdogs if there are CCWs in the mix. If they are on the fence, or otherwise, if nothing else, it makes them think, and that is all you can really hope to do.

    My favorite PETAite experience happened about 15 years ago. I was with a friend who was into IRONMAN competitions and such, and we had to stop at a large health food supermarket. A kind woman was handing out free samples of "all natural" "JELLO". It was so delicious, we got her talking so we could sample the different flavors. After she went through the all natural bullet points, she finished that it had no animal products in it. I answered, more thinking out loud, matter of fact "so then what are we gonna do with all those hooves?" She looked like her mouth was at that moment, instantly filled with raw sewage. I don't know how I didn't break out laughing. My friend did though.

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