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Status Updates posted by MojoGeorge

  1. Gawd... this is so embarrassing.... what are the circumstances and proper usage of a head knife!

    1. Lavendara


      Not embarrassing. We're always learning. (Not to mention, I don't even know the answer, so you're not alone!)

    2. Sylvia


      1. keep it razor sharp. 2. Keep your hands behind it. (or suffer stithes) 3. Straight cuts or curved cuts depending on skill. 4. Skiving/thinning leather.

    3. JLSleather


      The "circumstances" vary, only constant is keep body parts out of the way - that's a lot of exposed blade.

      I've actually seen a fella mount his to a table and then move the leather (hey, it worked, so...)

  2. Food for thought: Roux is sticky and 7 times hotter than the surface of the sun! owwowoowowowo

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