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Everything posted by ScottEnglish

  1. Having had a look on eBay, if the photos are accurate, it's possible to obtain 4mm internal diameter eyelets without nicks. I've also mailed Le Prevo to ask if they sell them. Scott
  2. Can you buy grommets with only a 4mm hole? I thought grommets are larger. I will have a look online. Thanks Grumpymann.
  3. Hi. Are 4mm eyelets available without nicks? I make simple leather boots and use 4mm eyelets with nicks from Abbey England. Unfortunately, the nicked edges scuff the tongue of the boots. Thanks. Scott
  4. Thanks battlemunky and doubleh.
  5. Thanks for that chuck123wapati. Maybe I will have to buy a vice. Scott
  6. Thanks for your replies. I have already sharpened and polished one George Barnsley saddler's awl and nearly finished a second but gave up on it. Wanting sharp arrises I removed the handle from the awl for better feel and control whilst sharpening. Then with the length of the awl perpendicular to the directions of sharpening I carefully flattened the sides and smoothed the tip on progressively finer grit stones until I was satisfied. A nightmarish job that took an inordinate amount of time. Understandably, I not keen on repeating this so want to buy my next awl with the work already done. Scott
  7. Hello. Does any business manufacture ready to use diamond awls complete with handles? Thanks. Scott
  8. Thank you Bill. Maybe the Kyoshin Elle ones are sharper.
  9. Hi. Are the Japanese stitching awls made by Kyoshin Elle and Seiwa sharp enough to use as sold? Thanks. Scott
  10. Well, I no longer have any use for the black scuff leather. And there is still lots left. Is anyone in West Wales interested? If so, send me a message. Scott
  11. Hi. Has anyone successfully skived a leather edge with a double-bevel knife? Thanks.
  12. Hi. If I dye natural vegetable-tanned leather will it still darken with age and exposure to sunlight as in its undyed state? Thanks.
  13. Thanks zuludog. I had forgotten some of the awl length will be lost within the handle. Good job you mentioned that! Thanks Tugadude for sharing your experience. Thanks fredk. Your way of fitting an awl to its handle is much like the traditional way of fitting a file to its handle.
  14. Thanks battlemunky.
  15. Hi. I intend buying a saddler's awl from Geo. Barnsley & Sons in the UK where I live. Which length would best suit saddle stitching together two layers of about 2mm thick vegetable tanned leather with 1mm Ritza tiger thread? The awl blade lengths are 1.75", 2", 2.25", 2.5", 2.75", and 3". Thanks. Scott
  16. Hello to you all. When skiving stiffeners, how thin should the edge be? It is my understanding that traditionally vegetable-tanned belly leather is used for stiffeners. I am using chrome-tanned belly leather. If I skive the edges to a knife-edge, they are somewhat ragged in places. Not a problem at the toe, but certainly so at the heel. Thanks. Scott
  17. I've found a use for the scuff leather so have decided to keep it. Scott
  18. fredk: I'll research medieval shoes online. eBay. That's a good idea. Maybe I can divide the hide into sides and sell them separately.
  19. I have for sale about 37 square feet of black scuff leather. It's chrome-tanned and approximately 4.0 - 4.5mm thick. Here is the link to the leather that I bought: Black Scuff Leather / Outdoor Hides / Strong & Durbable Leather (jwoodleathers.co.uk) I live in Wales. If you'd like to know more then please send me a message. Thanks. Scott
  20. fredk: Thanks for answering my question about your medieval shoes. Spyros: Thanks. I've now decided not to attempt to reduce the thickness of it. AzShooter: I'm going to try and sell it. I'm only interested in making footwear, nothing else.
  21. fredk: Thanks for your detailed reply and mention of shoe leather prior to the birth of chrome tanning. Your medieval shoes, am I correct in understanding that they were unlined? Hardrada: Thanks for the links. Scott
  22. fredk: Thick vegetable-tanned leather for unlined boots? I know a few people on these forums tried to dissuade me from using vegetable-tanned leather for footwear over a year ago. I still went ahead anyhow and made some shoes using vegetable-tanned leather. I don't intend doing so again unless you know something I don't. Which is probable. Scott
  23. Dwight: Are you referring to power tools or hand planes? I want to keep the grain side intact so I can't see how your idea will work. I am a bit dim though! Aven: On average the hide is about 10oz in thickness. The cutting the seller sent me, I listened to your advice about obtaining a cutting, isn't representative of the suppleness, or lack of it, of the hide as a whole. I do skive joins. jcuk: J. Wood Leathers is the supplier. I've already asked if they have a splitting service. They don't. chuck123wapati: Thanks for the unconventional method for reducing the thickness of leather. I can't return the leather as I've already used some. I would do otherwise. Scott
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