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Everything posted by 24602

  1. Well, all I can find is a service manual. Anybody have or know where the user manual could be found?
  2. I just picked up this machine and am tracking down manuals and subclass info. There are two manuals I see. One for a 4180-1 and another for a 4189-5. I assume mine is the -5 but….just checking before I print Next, does any know where I can find subclass info. Further, any idea how old the machine is? thanks michael bucksbootsoregon.com
  3. Try Baltor and sons in San Fran. Huge stock and knowledge from Todd.
  4. Hello, I’m searching for a source these guards as they have slipped away from my bosses supply lines and we’re having trouble finding a new source. Any help is much appreciated. michael
  5. Yep. Depends what you need. I used both mj foley and teamworksales when i was refurbing my 145. Mj foley can get most things it takes a while. Teamworksales can get alot and are quicker.
  6. I talked to Dan and he was unsure about the feed roller. Knives are interchangeable. Sharpening stone is unique but CR has one. Dan thought most parts would not interchange. Really I’m mostly inquiring about the feed roller.
  7. I picked up a used Consew bell skiver and need a feed roller. Does anyone now if the Fortuna/Fratelli feed rollers fit a Consew. What about other parts?
  8. Thanks again. I’ll keep working on it. I cycled 15-20 times today. Should have oil in all the spaces so we’ll see in the coming days. BTW the belt on your 341 is much wider than the one on my 1341. Normal?
  9. Is it acceptable to pop it using the button and hand wheel?
  10. The safety clutch seems to functuon fine once it gets fully reset. The issue is that it only half way resets with button and hand wheel which is the condition at the start of this next clip. When the tab is fully engaged it stitches just fine. Sewed nearly an entire shoe with no issue. Any input on why it requires a screwdriver to complete the reset?
  11. Here is how inset mine up. The table I ended up with won’t really accommodate the speed reducer underneath. I tightened the belt such that as the machine tips back to the base the belt comes tight. Very much more and it would not settle onto the base. The belt has about a 1/2” deflection in the center. HTH michael
  12. Sorry, yeah, I was trying to upload the videos directly to LW and kept shrinking thinking I could get small enough to get under the size limit. When I realized i needed to utube them i forgot to put the longer version up. I appreciate the dealer advice, however, one of the perils of living in the rural western states of the USA is the lack of many services (ie. No dealer for many many miles.). So I’m often left with dealing across the many miles without the luxury of in person assistance. I will certainly contact the dealer i bought from but also am the type to try and fugure things out. I will shoot another video to show the clutch engagement or lack thereof. thanks again!
  13. I spent so time pondering and poking around the levers and discovered the mechanism is sticky. When I reset the clutch it does not go all the way into place on its own. I pushed a little on it and it popped into place. So now the question is: why? Seems it should fully engage when the clutch reset is done. Oh the joys of learning a new machine. any thoughts on the ‘sticky’ motion on this type of safety clutch? michael
  14. I bought a used 1341 and it doesn’t want to stitch consistantly. It be ok for a bit then start tripping the clutch after 2,3,4 stitches. It seems to me there is alot of play in the clutch but I’m rather new to this sort of thing so I’ll pitch it to y’all. Shot a couple short videos to show what is going on. After watching Uwe’s clutch video it looks to me the clutch is not fully engaging the slot in the shaft. As always any help is much appreciated!! michael
  15. So the cool little cover is repaired. A little sitching (thanks to a bored mother-in-law) and couple pieces of duct tape on the inside. Love the novelty of the original items. They probably don’t mean alot but I think it’s cool they are still with the machine.
  16. That’s a nifty stand!! Is that an Adler original? Thinking to motorize. Thoughts on the best way to go about it? really getting attached to this machine. Threaded it with some 207ish (might even be a little bigger) and it stitched really nice!!
  17. Hide house
  18. What do you do with it? I normally would not have chosen it but it was too good of a deal to pass up.
  19. Likely unrelated but i have no idea. These two paddles were in the boxes of stuff. Any idea what they are and what they do.
  20. So the sticky point is gone. The butterfly turns smooth all the way around. Cleaned up the wd-40, oiled, threaded, and stitched a decent stitch. Will work on tensions and larger thread possibilities. It does have the second set of tensioning discs that the manual said was subclass for heavier thread. The treadle belt is a little loose so will need to trim and tighten that up. A little more show and tell: Original plastic cover. Prety good shape other than the stitching has let go. Will hand sew it back together. Adler oil bottle. I’m assuming this was the test stitching from the factory. I think it says: Nachkodrolle 3. Can’t make out the letters between the o and r very well. Also seems like it was sewn off with fairly heavy thread. Didn’t realize what this was til just a few minutes ago.
  21. Treasure finds are so fun!
  22. So what would you guess someone was doing with 160 and 180 needles?
  23. You know the scenario - you’ve got sick child. You wait and wait not wanting to go to the dr. Once you make the appointment the child turns the corner and is on the mend. I threatened to take apart and it finally let loose. Still one stickyish spot in the rotation but it will get there. Neat machine. Going to thread it today and see how it stitches. It came with a bunch of needles. 120,130,140,160, and 180. Box of thread also but mostly unlabeled so I mine not sure if there’s anything in the box to fit the big 180 needle. According to Bob’s needle/thread chart that would be between a 207 and 277. Will this machine take thread that big?
  24. Some other cool stuff I found in the boxes of stuff that came with the machine. There were a couple of other non Adler (maybe not even sewing related) items as well. Maybe will show some photos in another thread to see if anyone knows what they are for.
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