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    horsegear, bridles, medieval fantasy designs

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    as much as I can about leatherwork
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  1. Hi all, I recently made myself a new pair of reins to use for themed photoshoots and last weekend a friend of mine visited to make some photo's of me and one of the horses with my handmade outfit. Now onto the task of making a matching bridle for this set! So happy how they turned out! The quiver, ridingskirt, saddlepad, reins and armbracers are all selfmade. Bridle by Woodenwulf.
  2. Thank you AzShooter, It's only the fifth project on my workbench so far so i'm still learning as I go, quite the challenge to get the side panels in the little bag there and sow straight lines though, had to take it apart four times in total before I got it right
  3. Hello everyone, I made my first quiver the past weekend, as I just started last year with archery at a local club and after some months or shoving arrows in my backpockets, which doesn't seem like the best idea looking at the holes in my pockets now, I decided to give it a go and draft myself a pattern with measurements from quivers that I found online. I also spotted soms quivers with a little pouch on so I did some experimenting with magnetic snaps and so far it still holds, I'll be giving it a test drive this weekend if the weather allows it. Constructive criticism is always welcome to improve my skills.
  4. Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could give me the tip that I need to make my next block dyed project almost perfect. This is just my fifth project on my work bench so I'm still learning as I go, constructive criticism is much appreciated. I made a pattern for my first quiver, tooled the whole thing and block dyed it cordovan colour and made some darker edges fadeout, now before the finish it was exaxtly the colour I was looking for, the undyed stamp impressions that stayed light. Now while adding the super shene finish, after buffing and letting it dry for a day, seemed to take some of the dye off and ended up in the undyed stamp impressions and turned them orange, is there any way it keep this from happening? The dye also turned more a shade of orange/red-ish after the finish so how do you get the dye to stay the colour that it was before adding a finish? I've added some photo's below of the finished quiver. I've searched the forum first but couldn't find any topic on keeping the colour from going into the stamp impressions after blockdyeing. I'd be grateful for any tips on this. Best wishes, Evelien.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm new to leatherworking, a few months ago I followed a 4 days leaherworking course to get the hang of everything and I finally had some time to start my very first projects, like all starting hobbies, a lot of mistakes were made and lessons were learned but I have so much fun that I can't wait to start on a new project. The first bag I made at the 4 day course was a supposed to be with floral sheridan style tooling but that's not exactly my cup to tea so with permission from the instructor I made a drawing myself to add as tooling on the front of the bag. After finishing this one I recreated a little coin purse for medieval fairs with some alterations on it, it now functions as a treat bag for my cat Gimli and has his name tooled on in dwarf runes. The thread is now changed to a leather lace also. And the last one that I finished last week, I had bought the pattern a few months ago already, though I did change a few things there, it turned out quite all right for a first try. The gore on this bag and the little coin purse above was made of a recycled jacket that my dad didn't wear anymore and no stores nearby sell suede so I had to get creative with the goods I had laying around at home. Should anyone have more tips or advice feel free to post them, I'm always happy to learn more about it.
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