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    Recreation of historical and film costumes

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    General leatherwork, leather clothing, recreation

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  1. Attempted to pry out with a wooden spoon... the spoon split in 2. It is truly jammed I do pull my threads out the way but I haven't been holding it tight, I'll definitely be doing that in the future
  2. This is what I have done, first i tried to remove the thread by wiggling. Then I removed 3 screws and the bracket. I can't seem to dislodge the bobbin basket. In the video I was watching it came out without much force after orientating it so I don't want to harm anything trying to remove it. I'm unsure if the inner hook guide is preventing me from being able to position the bobbin basket correctly. Here is a video that may help: https://player.vimeo.com/video/727851985?h=dd882cfa71
  3. Inner hook guide Trapped thread I am a fairly new owner of my juki 1510. I was chugging away sewing the other day when I heard a horrible sound and got an error message on my motor. I immediately switched off the machine and took out my work (thankfully just some prototype bits), I gently turned the hand wheel and noticed it would not do a full rotation. After opening the bobbin flap I saw there was a lot of thread wound up in it. I cleared most of it but there is still some trapped in the mechanism (pictured). I have followed a YouTube video trying to remove the bobin case so that I could clean it but am unable to remove the casing itself. I think what is preventing the wheel from doing a full rotation is the position of the inner hook guide (akso pictured)? I am unsure if it is sitting right or what I should do with it. If anyone familiar with the machine could give me some pointers it would be much appreciated!
  4. Thank you so much! This was pretty much what i was looking for, I straight away found the thread I needed and was able to look at some charts I saw yesterday and understand them better
  5. I got a used one from a machine dealer, I thought this one would be decent as it seems to cope well with sewing over different thicknesses of fabrics in one row of stitching, has automatic lubrication and seemed to be a sturdy machine that was available in the UK. I have the basic 1510 which doesn't have an automatic thread trimmer or digital display like the one you linked. You're right though in that it is very similar to the 1541, I think mines a slightly higher spec model. I was choosing between the 1541 and 1508 originally but the dealer offered me a bit of money off the 1510 so I ended up buying it as I the extra money seemed worth it. Hopefully it will serve me well but I have a learning curve to overcome with it, I have my first project in mind though! Image of the machine
  6. *edited* I wanted to quote so i moved this post to the reply below
  7. I have recently bought a juki lu1510, my purpose is to sew thicker multi layer leather garments with it (such as a layered leather corset, mediaeval leather gambeson, maybe some experimental shoe making). It is the 6th sewing machine in my collection but first industrial machine and I'm having trouble understanding the thread specs (what each number means) and sourcing appropriate thread that matches my needles. I found the needles I needed from schmetz and got some nm130, 140 and 160. Could anyone help me find the thread I'm looking for? If anyone also has a supplier they recommend, I'm based in the UK. It may well be to do with the fact I only half know what I'm looking for, but I don't seem to find many stockists of heavier thread. Manufacturer specifications: Needles- 135×17 (at the time of delivery) (Nm160) Nm125~Nm180 Thread- #30~#5, B46~B138, Nm=60/3~20/3
  8. Thanks! Yeah cosplay holsters can be done with thinner leather and I don't need to use such a big thread size ect as it wont be getting the wear a real holster would, so I wouldn't need to use a different heavy duty machine in that respect. Im looking at machines that have roughly what I think I need as 1) I don't trust myself to be making big adjustments 2) I want to be sure I'm not going to end up needing to spend loads more money to get a machine fit for my purpose. I am thinking about upping my budget a little in order to get a machine that I'm more sure of being able to trust. The whole lockdown situation right now means I cant travel to look at machines either plus I have exams over the next few weeks at university but I'm hoping i will find something reasonably priced if I just keep looking.
  9. I'm a hobbyist who makes reproductions of film, game, and television costumes for attending conventions and entering competitions. I have been sewing for 6 years now and have had a pretty good success rate and am comfortable sewing fabric but want to expand the range of skills I have. The next costume I have my eye on making contains a lot of leather and I know I will need the appropriate sewing machine to get it done properly and work with more leather in the future. I do have machines some sites advertise as being 'appropriate' for leather such as my singer 4423 and my all-metal Bernina 1008S but | really doubt their capabilities on thicker fabric and the number of broken needles that would involve. From what I have read I know I need to be looking at a walking foot machine with a compound feed and a servo motor, for garment sewing I want a flatbed, my issue comes from my student's budget of around £600 (I am from the UK) which I know is not a lot and I am looking at 2nd hand machines. As I am making garments my leather shouldn't be too thick, I have attached an image of the first project I wish to embark on as an example, however, I do need to occasionally work on things such as holsters and belts so I guess a machine with an ability to sew a wider range of fabric would be better. Although I know each machine has a range that it is suitable for so may not be able to do everything I want, I am fine hand-stitching small pieces like bags, belts and holsters if the machine I got couldn't handle it (as I am on my current project: Dolores from Westworld). I have a friend who used to work at a leather store and now runs her own small leather goods business, and the grandmother of my boyfriend who worked making leather goods all her life as people to turn to for advice on choosing leather for my projects as I don't have much insight myself as I'm still learning, I'm sorry I can't offer more information. These are some machines I have spotted on a quick ebay search that I may be able to afford, but I can't really risk buying something that I won't be able to use as I am a student and I'm not going to be able to get more money any time soon, especially with no competitions running currently with the pandemic as I use my prize money to finance my hobby. Some have more details listed in descriptions than others: Juki DNU 1181 £650 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Juki-DNU-1181-Walking-Foot-Industrial-Sewing-Machine/174268045735?hash=item28932f59a7:g:FBMAAOSwvA9eovz9 Highlead GC-0318 £620 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HIGHLEAD-WALKING-FOOT-LEATHER-SEWING-MACHINE-SILENT-SERVOMOTOR-SPEED-CONTROL/263542363354? Jack H2-CZ £600 (this one looks computerized which makes me a bit nervous) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jack-H2-CZ-Walking-Foot-Heavy-Duty-Direct-Drive-Industrial-Sewing-Machine/173998146449?hash=item2883190391:g:5ZIAAOSwvT1de8j5 Mitsubishi 4400 £650 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mitsubishi-4400-Walking-Foot-Industrial-Sewing-Machine/173922054095?hash=item287e8fefcf:g:ADoAAOSwcchdk3xf TYPICAL 0302 £650 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TYPICAL-0302-WALKING-FOOT-INDUSTRIAL-SEWING-MACHINE-WITH-SILENT-MOTOR-COMPLETE/263531054622 PFAFF 5487 £550+unknown shipping https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pfaff-Walking-Foot-Chain-Stich-Industrial-Sewing-Machine/264648067285?hash=item3d9e4108d5:g:f9gAAOSw07JeVmeF Seiko STW-8B £360 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Seiko-walking-foot-industrial-sewing-machine/133409704886?hash=item1f0fd68bb6:g:75gAAOSw1xZeu8LO Global ????? £400 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Single-Thread-Walking-Foot-Industrial-Sewing-Machine-great-energy-saving-motor/113766756298?hash=item1a7d06efca:g:EmEAAOSwUwtc79Iw Sunstar KM-560-7 £400 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/industrial-walking-foot-sewing-machine-Sunstar-KM-560-7/114090115062?hash=item1a904cfff6:g:IH0AAOSw4tJeMYgq Sorry for the long, winding vagueness of this post and how little information I can provide, I would appreciate any recommendations, advice, corrections you can give me in regards to choosing a machine, maintaining one or leather sewing in general. Thank you for any help you give me! I have also read the pinned 'The Type Of Sewing Machine You Need To Sew Leather' and a couple of other relevant posts
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