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About Simmental

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  • Gender
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    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, riding.

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  • Interested in learning about
    Improving my leatherworking
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Thank you very much for the replies. I certainly haven't been waiting long enough. I also will try dipping them in shellac too. I'll check out the long knot. Cheers!
  2. Good afternoon all, I'd like to make some rawhide keepers but I could do with some advice. I've tied a few turks head knots but they always seem to lose their shape or come loose when I've taken them off the mandrel. Should I be tying them over a sleeve and gluing the ends down to stop them coming loose? I'd also like to braid over some browbands but I'm not sure what braid I should be using, I've tried a few from Bruce Grant's book but I find them a bit complicated and dont get great coverage. Could someone suggest a braid or provide a clear explanation of what I should be doing? Thanks Johnny
  3. @BigSiouxSaddlery & @glockanator, How did this work out for you? When you stitched them together, what was the length of the join? Is 1in sufficient? Thanks
  4. Thanks gents, Some of the bridles I used when I worked in africa were tied. Arturo, am I right in thinking the holes just need to be about 1/2in apart? Thanks
  5. Thanks for the replies everyone. JCUK, yes - its a western style bridle rather than an english, and yes its the end of the cheek pieces to attach the bit. If you have any other suggestions I'd be happy to hear it (I think buckle billets may be too bulky). Would Sam Brown studs be a suitable option? Thanks
  6. Evening all, An idiots question about chicago screws. I would like to use them to hold the bit onto cheek pieces of a bridle, so they want to sit flush to prevent any irritation to my horse. Question is; if I am working with 3.5-4mm leather obviously doubled over makes 7-8mm thickness. Does this mean I need an 8mm stem on the screw, or do I want a slightly smaller one to prevent it riding proud of the leather? Thanks everone.
  7. Good evening everyone, Whilst I am waiting for some materials to arrive for another project, I thought I'd try and make a 5 strand mystery braid belt. What do you think is the best way of cutting a long section of 5 strands? I tried to make my own strander with 1/4 razorblades sandwiched between leather washers at the right spacings. This however turned out to be just the most lethal thing I have ever made. After bleeding all over my work I decided to quit for the time being and ask here! Do you think just using a straight edge will be better? Thanks Johnny PS Had a thought, I am going to try disassembling my strap cutter to see if that will work.
  8. Great, thanks very much northmount!
  9. Thanks Northmount, I'm waiting out for a reply.
  10. Thank you very much for all of your replies, there is a lot of good information there! It's much appreciated. I think I was running before walking, time to watch some videos! Thanks again
  11. Good evening all, I'm interested in making this bridle: https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1887/one-eared-bridle-pattern I think I can figure most things out, but I would like to check the video to be sure. However, I cant find the link anywhere! I've checked the Tandy website and their Youtube channel and can find nothing. Does anyone have a link, or even another pattern I could use? Thanks in advance.
  12. Good evening everyone, I'm new to leatherworking and I'm enjoying it, but having a few little issues! A project requires me to stitch through three layers of 3/4oz leather. I'm using pricing irons to punch my holes, but the iorn is getting stuck and then I'm putting the leather out of shape when getting the tool out. Should I be using a tool with fewer prongs? Should I just be aiming to use the iron as a mark and then opening up with an awl? Or are my irons too shallow for the job? They are only cheap ones as I can't afford to invest too much right now (I'm a seasonal worker and there's not much work for me right now!) Thanks in advance.
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