Nearly all machines are now manufactured in China. Adler in Czech Republic? Do the brand names, even if made in China, require higher tolerances, better metallurgy, QC, and inspections than clone factories or nobody really knows. I read mixed reviews on nearly all clones, but some appear to get much better reviews than others (Cowboy, Leather Machine Co., Artisan get good reviews). It appears to me they are all made in the same factory, all appear to be Highlead. Who knows? I also wonder about longevity of clones. A Chinese shuttle for my 205 is $58 (no way), a Japanese made shuttle is $200. I think there is a difference, but never having bought either, how do I know?
If it wouldn't cause a divorce I'd buy a new Adler 969 and 669, and throw in a Campbell-Randall while we're at it.