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    Tree climbing, Industrial sewing machine repair

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  1. 43 second video . I like to keep my videos to 1 minute. I have a CLSP (Chinese Leather Shoe Patcher) and it sews fine. I fixed some of my shoes. I would buy it again.
  2. Beautiful carving. You are an artist.
  3. Thanks. I may try to get some system 190 needles and try it when I get time.
  4. Thanks. One thing I don't have to worry about on the 111w155 is reverse. One good thing is stitch lengths are the same in forward and reverse once I turn the material.
  5. I have just one application where I am trying to sew a layer of nylon seat belt webbing to 3 other layers of webbing that are 3/8" thick. The total might be 7/16" so I might be able to turn the handwheel by hand and sew it. For most other things I have been sewing 3/8" should be more than enough.
  6. Why do the Singer specs say 1/2" presser foot lift? Is this just lift and not working height?
  7. Can a longer needle be used and the needle bar moved up to re-time?
  8. Kevlar has twice the thread strength of nylon or polyester for an equivalent size. I used V92 Kevlar to sew my tree saddle since I didn't want to fall out of a tree. With all the stitches in it I calculated the main seam would break at around 13,000 pounds. Cutting it with scissors is surprisingly difficult. Now I know why it is used in bulletproof vests.
  9. Here is this solid cardboard thickness I sewed. The servo motor had trouble sewing this but I helped with the handwheel. A larger handwheel would work better. I tried pushing another layer of cardboard under the foot but no go.
  10. I know this is an old thread but searching for 111w155 foot lift led me here. Isn't the maximum foot lift limited by the needle bar coming down and hitting the top of the foot? I have mine adjusted so I can fit about 7/16" of material under the foot and the needle bar comes down and barely touches the top of the foot. I don't know if sewing 1/2" is possible because of the needle bar hitting the foot. It looks like I am getting a tiny bit less than 4 SPI at maximum stitch length.
  11. I waited and a Singer 111W155 showed up. I bought it for $175. Can this sew 1/2 inch? This one feels pretty tight. It was used in a one person shop to do upholstery.
  12. I just checked and it is Cutex that has the complete knee lift not Sharpsewing. Is this the roller you were talking about? I think this knee lifter might work on my Mercury M-337 since it has a straight rod pointed down to activate the foot lift. I might as well order 2 rollers for the Mercury and the 111. https://www.ebay.com/itm/402941886480?hash=item5dd1354010:g:oJkAAOSwiHJg01cd
  13. In the picture from Sharpsewing, isn't it assembled incorrectly? I recently bought a 111W155 without a table and now I need to get a knee lift. The one from my Singer 95-40 gets in the way of the undercarriage of the 111 so I can't use that one on my table. I've found that Sharpsewing seems to be the only place that has them in stock. I need to figure out how to install it since I doubt instructions are included. It seems to be a different design than most.
  14. There is a breaking strength to thread which you may be exceeding with the thickness you are sewing. Have you tried V92 thread?
  15. I will call before I order to verify.
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