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About MikeCahill

  • Birthday 11/05/1954

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Castleford, West Yorkshire, England
  • Interests
    folk music, traditions, Morris Dancing, woodwork, generally pottering about, jack of all trades, master of none. I read old text books for fun!!

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    clogs, one offs
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    general interest
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  1. If anyone has a pegging machine (I haven't) I have a supply of the steel square awls made by Geo Barnsley, I'll send you some for the cost of postage, if you want to get rid of one, contact me Cheers Mike
  2. are they Jack Russell's?
  3. does anyone know the make of this outsole stitcher, the name plate has been removed, the only clue is that it is swiss made, also where will I get a user manual cheers Mike
  4. in the UK we can get raw neetsfoot oil, the knuckle, ankle and knee joints of cattle are boiled up to extract the oil, cattle have a very poor blood supply to the legs, the oil has a lower solidifying temp so the joints in thre legs don't freeze Neet is an old norse word for beasts (cattle). they also sell, I think it's called rectified neetsfoot oil which has been processed, like being pasturised, I always use the raw stuff, it can go rancid if you keep it too long and smell a bit but it still works, and the smell goes in a few days, yes it can rot cotton thread
  5. surprised at lack of interest in free stuff, I really have lots of stuff to pass on free to anyone in UK who can use it, soles and heels, nails tacks rivets and other bits and pieces, collect or pay postage! I've also got to start selling some stuff 'cos I need space, I now have 4 outsole stichers, 2 pheonix chain stichers 3 skivers 3 patchers 5 sewing machines, 3 cutting wheels 2 finishing machines, and all this is for a hobby! I've run out of space to work in, so I've got to cut down. if your interested in any of this stuff, message me, I'm not looking for top doller, just a fair price
  6. I would sugest a small hardwood post 4-6 inch dia.24-30 inch long, flat metal plate screwed to one end for an anvil, plain end grain the other for hole punching, grip it between your legs in use, you could even fit a mounting for a small vice
  7. it is mostly shoe repair stuff
  8. they look like pushbike (bicycle) pannier that fit over the parcel carrier over the back wheel see http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_809201_langId_-1_categoryId_236256
  9. I have been lucky enough to be able buy the stock and equipment of a shoe repairer who died a couple of years ago. There is more stuff than I could use in 5 lifetimes, the stuff is old but sound, one pack I've opened had a token in it dated 1907. Lots of leather and rubber / plastic soles and heels, nails, you name it stuff stored in boxes so not faded. If you can get to West Yorks (UK) and are interested in some of it, contact me Cheers Mike
  10. minimize exposure by only dyeing the skin side of the leather if you glaze the edges that should act as a barrier
  11. I realise it is a long time after the initial posting, I think it is a pegging machine, a square awl makes a square hole in a boot sole, then the machine head moves over and fills the hole with a square wooden peg, used in boot making instead of stiching, the wooden pegs are still available from a german company called "Blau Ring" (sp?} they are used a lot in making american cowboy boots, and wartime Soviet and German military boots if anyone has one in the UK and wants to sell it, I might be interested
  12. not found a copy yet, would appreciate a copy of yours Cheers Mike
  13. I find it the same in the uk, people are happy with cheap mass produced plastic rubbish cheers Mike
  14. it depends on your class and what part of the uk you come from in the north, dinner is the mid day meal, tea is the early evening meal, and supper is last thing at night before going to bed. In the South lunch is the mid day meal, tea is late afternoon snack, and dinner/supper is a mid evening meal. Biscuits are a hard pastry (with more sugar in it, and no egg,) that is cut to shape and baked in an oven, the spelling is cos its a French word, we were conquered by the French about a thousand years ago, they brought a lot of words with them cheers Mike
  15. I've got one like that, got to get the blade seriously sharp, and keep it sharp, mine has a tendency to wander a bit and mark the leather, that could be down to my inept setting up, good solid machine should last for ever mike
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