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Everything posted by Gezzer

  1. K5HEP , we indeed are of one mind and had I saw your solution first , I would have copied it . I am a suspender man ( no belt ) but can see where your carrier would fit nicely on them . and GETTING OLD A'INT FOR SISSYS thanks
  2. I have toted a revolver for a long time ... old school I guess . Made a shoulder holster a year or so ago and while it's part of me when I leave the house , I forget the speed strip almost every time. So today I decided to fix that . Not fancy but it should work .
  3. Gezzer

    Art ?????

    Thanks Klara !
  4. Gezzer

    Art ?????

    Really nice , I haven't thought much about making any tools but you may have inspired me too . Thanks
  5. Gezzer

    Art ?????

    Thank you , I may call it a husky then and no I would never teach a kid about the " softer side of life " I don't even " harvest " deer , I still kill them
  6. Gezzer

    Art ?????

    Thanks for the kind words ! The shape came about as a use of a piece of scrap but I thought , I like that so the other 3 got cut to match . LOL !!!! It' does work well and is different from most i have seen although it's not the best use of material . Again Thank you Thank you Sam !!!!
  7. Gezzer

    Art ?????

    Thank you ! I can see your point and will be getting some more tools . I am unsure as to background tools , I am thinking bar grounders maybe ? I really don't know what I need , the one I used for elephant skin is a pebble thing that came with a cheap set of tools I bought . Lifter and background tool are on the list ... waiting on finances . Thank you
  8. Gezzer

    Art ?????

    Thank you for your help . I added a few cuts but it still didn't look right so I added some more, all the way down to just nicks . Now I think I may have over shot . LOL! It's a learning curve for sure . Daughter will like them as she thinks everything I do is cool .............. Again Thank you
  9. Gezzer

    Art ?????

    here are some coasters that I tried to tool some animals on . Long ways to go but I'm gonna hang in there . Critiques welcome
  10. I see a lot here have mastered the box stitch ....... I couldn't even get to acceptable . So this is a cheat that I use and has worked well for me .
  11. Gezzer


    Thanks fellas , PastorBob you have quite the eye as it was Gunsmoke . Chuck the natural one is 8/9 oz while the burgundy is 5/6 oz . As for making them I use a section of 4 inch #40 pvc for a form . Side wall rounds up with just stitching , tool bottom panel , tool top and then wet form with band to hold until dry. Light oil for finish , have a little learning to do with finishes .
  12. Just saying hello and looking forward to learning from ya'll . I have been on the leather road just 2 or 3 months and am enjoying the journey . Be gentle but be honest
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