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Everything posted by Gezzer

  1. OUTSTANING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as always I have got to start saving up for one of your knives !!!!!!
  2. Looks real nice !!! Tooling is my favorite part of the work but I have a lot to learn . Oh and WELCOME !!!!!
  3. VERY NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Thanks folks ! I wasn't sure what size and thought billet style might make fitting it easier
  5. Young folks next door have a Boxer/Pit mix , great dog . They have been a big help to me so I decided to make a collar for Toby ( their dog ) as a little thank you . 8 oz veg tan , diluted saddle tan , dark brown antique ( no resist ) acrylic top coat
  6. Weight of leather will have some effect , 6/7 oz I lose right at 5/8 inch per foot . Best way to know is cut a sample @ known length ( say 9 inches )and braid it then measure to see what you are loosing . Overall length will be shorter by X amount , now just do the math for the you want .
  7. @Bert03241 if you have $40.00 more to spend , buy one of their holsters and use it for a pattern . https://byrna.com/products/byrna-nylon-holster?variant=31820201033795
  8. This is for a great young lady who is a nurse and actually understands what that encompasses . She took care of my brother back in Dec. , during which time I found out she hunts and is planning her first elk hunt for this fall . I thought this would make a little Thank You for the care she gives each and every day !!
  9. Gezzer

    Hair clips

    Very nice clips and should move well
  10. Very NICE and well done !!!!
  11. Gezzer

    1st Wallet.

    Looks very good but it might be a tad thick with those weights of leather .Very nice though !
  12. I just take my mop&glow to my leather shop and have the guy keep it in the back for me . He will pour it into smaller bottles and add a buck an ounce when I come in for supplies , just makes me feel better about the whole thing .........................
  13. Very nice indeed !!!!!
  14. All of the above ............. I used them for practice quite a lot and made some coasters out of them . Most I have found were not to soft for coasters but they will stiffen up with Glycerine saddle soap and slicker to the flesh side .
  15. My guess and it's just a guess , was to keep the horses and wagon from falling off when there is ice on the ground .
  16. Very very NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the different textures really make that pop
  17. OUTSTANDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Nice job Chuck !!!! That color/patina is AWESOME
  19. My 2 cents If you have contacted it all , maybe just a touch of white glue on the thread just as you pull them in .I think fiction and the white glue would hold BUUUUUUUUUUUT I don't know this . Or like Toxo said , something like a bowstring serving finish .
  20. @BlackDragon I thought about that movie when I read it
  21. I can't help but I will say that whatever bevel was used , it was one masterfully !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Yep that is outside the box and quite nice !!
  23. Gezzer

    Basket weave

    Hummmmmmmmmmm I may have to give this a try . Cool idea Frodo
  24. Some times " less is more " . Nicely done !!!!!!!!!
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