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Everything posted by Gezzer

  1. If I tried to carve that ...................... I'd be so jacked-up I couldn't sleep for days Nicely done !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. No firsthand experience ......... but a quick search brought this up . You ma have already seen it .
  3. If I had a clicker press , I think this might be one to get a die for . I would have never made a carpenter if it were not for Geometry class !!!!!!!!
  4. They might at that . Might need leather already cut to speed it up just a little or at the very least patterns if you are talking about the guy doing the 4 hour classes .
  5. @Wepster Thank you ! and I agree the taller one does look better . Go for it , the friction fit isn't that hard and if you do miss the block is a fine idea . As for google not knowing about " ringing " I am not surprised LOL ! It's just something we have always done ( don't even know where I got it ) , it's just a deep depression right around the wick . On a flat top candle they seem to melt all across the top , the depression lets what melts stay more in the center which seems to make a little more flame . Here is a picture of what we do to new candles .
  6. Thanks ! The base did not change , only change was in height .
  7. @fredk Thank you Sir ! @SUP I agree .Changed from 1 3/4 height to 2 1/2 and it is more pleasing . @MarshalWill You are exactly correct , when I increased my border width that portion turned into a cylinder and as you say, does help the look . @Klara Thank you very much !!!!!! don't know how long they will be a tight fit but I really think it will be quite a long time, I am sure one could make some sort of ledge inside ( silicone or hot glue or something ) when they are made to insure no problems . Let me know how yours turn out please .
  8. O K I had to try another size just to see how they might look in a bunch . Had to wet the top as it was just a little too tight and it spread my top stitch in the back. I won't bore ya'll with any more as you get the idea . Thanks for all the kind words everybody !!!!!!
  9. Gezzer

    Eyeglass case

    That looks very good !!! What is it lined with ?
  10. @Frodo that is thinking outside box
  11. Brilliant idea !!!!!!! You know an adjustment to size and invert it , might make a flower pot wrap.................
  12. @chuck123wapati Thanks you and they should be useful for some other things .
  13. Excellent idea about the arrangement !!!! and the airspace
  14. Nice work Chuck and I like the modeled look !! Now don't shoot all of those at one elk Good luck
  15. @Dwight Really nice set up !!!!
  16. I may be wrong but I think dry leather is a poor conductor of heat but always be careful and do your own research and test . And @SUP be sure if you do make some wraps please post some pictures , I love pictures
  17. @SUP The " rim " idea is a good one .As to the pattern it is just one I came up with so nothing fancy but here it is as best as I can explain . First picture is of it on a 1/2 inch grid if that is how you work . Second picture is my attempt at describing it . I used a 50 something year old tin class method of drawing mine , but a quick search on the U tube yielded a few ways . If you go the math route , diameter x 3.14 , the small arc is 4 5/8 but I made mine 4 7/16 for a tight fit. For me the lay-out and step method is easier and works just fine . The only thing I think this guy did that might not work is start with the larger arc and for my use I started with the short arc as it the critical dimension 1 1/2" , base can vary some ( larger or smaller ) Hope some of this helps .
  18. Valid concerns @YinTx for sure !! These have around a 125 degree melting point and I have no idea what the flash point is. We have always " ringed " new container candles to get a better burn , doing so seems to change how they melt ( burns more straight down ) . Most times the wick will fall over before the sides melt . While we don't ever leave them unattended being cautious is NEVER a bad thing and Thank you for calling me on it .
  19. Thanks folks ! Wife said she'd take 6 dark ones and 6 lighter ones .
  20. With no real project to work on my mind starts grinding . Wife has a bunch of these Tealight candles around the house sooooooooooo Friction fit and baseball stitch up the back , now I have a project
  21. @Handstitched Excellent ideas and Thank you !
  22. It says if you don't know where to put it ......... put it here . I am always thinkin about different things to make out of leather , so I come up with some "off the wall " stuff. May run this by the local florist and see if she thinks she could do some dry flower arrangement and maybe sell a few . About the right size for a entry way of maybe a small bath , just a little decoration kind of . You may be able to tell........ I skipped the first few days of floral arrangement class LOL !
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