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  1. Can't recommend a supplier, I'm also looking for quality hardware. Just had to comment to say those bags are works of art! Incredible work!
  2. Unfortunately, that particular balance wheel incompatible with the Leatherwork machine. The Leatherwork comes with a Power Plus balance wheel, which I'm hoping achieves the same result.
  3. Just a final thank you to everyone who helped me out! After contacting the Sailrite team, I discovered that the Worker B motor doesn't run on 230V (the LSZ-1 with the regular motor does and I had confused the two options), so my only option is the Leatherwork machine. They even confirmed they can offer Express shipping! For the domestic machine for my cotton linings, I'm opting for the Janome HD 3000. I'm looking for an older/used option because it turns out that the motor on the current ones is weaker than it used to be. This should be far easier to get my hands on. This is so far away from where I started, back when I though I would be able to get my hands on a Juki, but it feels like a good starting point for me so that I can practice and hone my skills whilst I live here. Thank you again for all the assistance and knowledge you've shared! I have learned so much from the discussion and am very grateful.
  4. On the 2 points quoted: Thank you for explaining. I am unsure how the Worker B motor is preferable over their Workhorse motor, so I'll head over to their site and try to figure that out. From the specs, it looks like the Workhorse is a stronger option, so I had better read the specs more carefully and see what each one offers in more depth. The option to set the needle off centre would be incredibly helpful as it would allow me to stitch closer to the edge of a piece. Thank you for explaining! It would certainly be a very handy trick. I had looked into that around a month ago, but since I am alone here and have no mechanical knowledge (and you pointed out to me earlier that those machines weigh double what I do ), I don't think I would be able to assemble them and get them in working order. I've never been near an industrial machine so I'm uncomfortable even considering putting one together correctly. I had considered perhaps paying someone to assist with the setup, but the way I've been treated when simply enquiring about machines by local vendors has made me want to avoid this at all costs. The fact that I've spent months chasing after suppliers just trying to get a straight answer to "do you supply industrial leather sewing machines" has been punishment enough. The Sailrite options are lighter and therefore easier for me to assemble alone, and the customer support being in English/ always quick to respond removes a lot of my concerns. Thanks again to everyone for their input. Lots of food for thought!
  5. You confirmed a lot of what I was thinking (and had learned from the sewing machine thread). Thank you very much! You both mentioned the grip/feet, so I'll explain that if opting for the LSZ-1, I would add on the knurled feet to my order and use those instead of the toothed feet that come as standard. I'd rather pay a little more than risk marking up the leather. I'm still leaning towards the Leatherwork, particularly because of the lower speed. I'm new to learning all this so I feel like that speed control is going to be really helpful. Oh, I'm not going above 4-5mm thickness in my projects. The leather I'm using ranges from 0.6 to 1.2mm (and V-92 thread), so doubled or tripled, it's still not pushing anything near the limit of the machine. I appreciate the explanation on modifications, though, as it's great to learn. Also, Wiz, thank you for pointing out earlier on that the local power outlets and voltage needed to be considered when selecting a machine. I hadn't even thought of it until you said it, so you probably stopped me from making a huge mistake there!
  6. @kgg Thanks so much for the quick response, kgg! I'm so grateful for the assistance. I love the look of your LSZ-1 clone. Great colour! Great to know, thank you! Yes I checked and their European version (with the Worker B motor) will work here on our 230V power supply voltage. May I ask a question? Aside from the table that would require an extension, wouldn't the Leatherwork be a better option because it has more horse power? LSZ-1: Power:220-240V A.C., 1/10th hp, 0.7 amps * just noticed I posted 3 amps in the last post, which is incorrect. Leatherwork: Power:220-240V A.C., 3/4th hp, 4.5 amps Also, the leatherwork has a speed reducer which the LSZ-1 doesn't and I had understood that this was important for being able to control stitches around corner and such. Please know that I'm not trying to push back against your recommendation. I just want to learn and better understand how important things like the horsepower are. Thank you!
  7. Hi all, time for an update! I finally got an appointment with the Typical machine rep, who then proceeded to give me the runaround and push domestic sewing machines on me. I've wasted so much time and effort trying to get local dealers to just be upfront about the fact that they don't supply leather sewing machines, it's incredibly frustrating! After giving up on getting Juki, Consew, and Typical machines, I stumbled upon a supplier who could import a Gypsy leather sewing machine (unfamiliar brand but, on paper, no different than other clones). Unfortunately, the price was close to USD 5,000! No way! Now I only have one option left: Sailrite. Which, I know is often considered the wrong type of machine for leatherwork work, but it's the only remaining option within my budget of 2k, that ships directly from them to Dubai. Given that I'm working on thin leathers and only making bags, it seems a suitable option. I was torn between the LSZ-1 (because I think the zig zag stitch option would be useful) and the Leatherwork. I think I'll opt for the latter because of the smooth presser feet, speed reducer and greater power ( 3/4th hp, 4.5 amps vs 1/4th hp, 3 amps in the LSZ). Thank you all for your input and advice as I navigated the world of machines! I really hadn't expected it to be quite so complicated to get what I need locally. If anyone has any input on the Leatherwork machines, I'm all ears! I'm planning to make the purchase in the next few weeks if nobody warns me against it, lol. Thanks again!
  8. Agree with the post above. Your best solution to this is an Enzyme Cleaner. There are many and they all work the same way. The smell of cat urine is one of those things that will resurface unexpectedly if you rely on just soap, water, vinegar, etc. It'll be fine and then you'll catch a waft of it unexpectedly somewhere down the line. The enzyme cleaning solutions are the only thing that will permanently rid you of the smell. Good luck!
  9. @dikman Thank you! I feel much better about being able to see and handle them before buying. @chrisash Agree, that is a wonderful thread and it was where I started on my journey. Lots of valuable info in there and I'm grateful to Wiz for the time and effort he put into collating it all.
  10. @kgg You're just a treasure trove of information! Thank you for the heads up. It's funny seeing the weights listed out. I only weigh 48kgs myself, being a rather petite woman, so this could make for some delightful physical comedy! I moved here literally just before the first lockdown, and then I lost my job and am on contract work atm, so I don't know many people who could help me out. However, that may not be necessary at all because ~drum roll~ I've found a Typical machine supplier in the city! I knew there had to be some dealership that supplied local businesses, and it turns out that by focusing on clone machines, I have found my way around these obstacles. I gave the suppliers a call this morning and the person I spoke to said that the sales rep who can help me out is on holiday atm. He will be back in a month's time and I can call back to arrange an appointment with him. So, I've finally made some progress. Hopefully this means I can actually get the machine locally and even test it out in person before committing to the purchase. Thank you all again for all the wonderful tips. No doubt they'll help other newbs as much as they did me.
  11. That's absolutely gorgeous! And you've put such a nice (and thoughtful) spin on having to carry Epi-pens. I'm sure your daughter will cherish it.
  12. This is gorgeous! I love the marbled effect! Great job!
  13. Oh, yes! Thank you so much. I'd read that before- either it was either mentioned earlier in the thread (which I'm going to have to go over again because I've got all the advice jumbled) or it was in the stickied thread about various leather sewing machines! Apologies for being such a muppet and confusing all the details. Between local dealers not telling me straight up that they didn't have these machines then trying to sell me alternatives that are not for leather in the first place, and the added hassle of trying to figure out what and where to import from, I have completely lost the plot! I'll take a few days to clear my head and read all the threads and notes I've taken down again before deciding on the best model. Then I'll tackle issue of customs/importing. I also want to make sure I can get things like an edge guide and speed reducer on the machine I order, and since those seem to be sold separately, I want to make sure I get parts that I can assemble myself and that work with whatever machine I buy in the end. None of this is all that complicated, I'm aware, but because I've never even seen one of these machines, let alone assembled one, it all feels much more messy than it is. Anyway, I'm so thankful for the advice I'm receiving. I'll be sure to post an update once I have settled on my choice. Hopefully I'll be posting some of my creations not long after that.
  14. @MtlBiker Thank you for your thoughts on the Janome. I totally agree that a computerized sewing machine and a plastic body are not the way for me. I want a simple, solid machine that can do straight stitches; certainly not looking for anything overly complicated with unnecessary bells and whistles.The Janome HD3000 may well go on sale for Prime day (which happens next week in this part of the world). I'll keep my eyes on it. The metal frame is a definite requirement. @Tequila Thank you for those helpful links! In my initial posts, I had intended to go for a cylinder arm with a flat bed attachment as you suggested, then somewhere along the way I got lost down the rabbit hole of machine options and forgot that was my original plan, lol! Even if it's a bit fussy, I don't mind that at this early stage of my learning process. Now that I know that I'm limited to clones, the next step is to identify if it'll be a 1541S or 441 clone, and make sure I get a supplier who can provide the table, servo and get through customs here, all within my limited budget. I'm knee-deep in tabs, comparing various machines and will take my time before ordering to make sure I don't make any big mistakes. Edit: Looking at the JB sewing site now, and I so wish they could ship internationally! The machine specs are listed more clearly here and with your direct link to the Alibaba alternative, you've cleared a lot of confusion for me. Can't thank you enough! @dikman I appreciate the heads up on customs duties and taxes. It is one of my biggest concerns with importing (and it is the reason I'm going for China over India, since I was told charges for importing from India would be much higher). Since the pandemic has totally messed with my income and I'm doing only short contract work at the minute, I don't have room to cover any unexpected charges. I'll be careful and communicate with potential suppliers as well as the customs office here before actually buying anything to make sure my bases are covered.
  15. Thank you for reconfirming that the Janome is great for learning on and linings, but not for actual leatherwork. I'll probably go for a Singer or Brother domestic machine as they are much cheaper here and the linings are straightforward enough that I won't need too many options on the sewing machine. In terms of used machines, I was hoping Ebay would bring up something, but I get spare parts in searches, not any of the actual machines. It's likely due to the weight of them that prevents sellers from wanting to ship internationally. The local version of Craigslist doesn't have anything as of now. That seems to be the case, yes. If only I was part of that top 1%! Thank you very much for the warning! I'll be sure to do my research before getting one at any rate. ___ Update for now is that I'm out of luck locally. I spent the morning visiting various dealers and shoe repair shops, hoping someone would either be willing to sell me an older machine or direct me to their suppliers. No such luck- they even refused to tell me the brand of machines they used. However, a couple of shops took my number and said they'd contact me when they retire one of their machines. I also got cheeky and asked them if they'd let me try a straight stitch on some scrap leather (that I'd brought with me) so that I can get a feel for using the machines, but they refused. Can't say that I blame them, it was a bold request! The plan now is much simpler. I'll grab a domestic machine and start practicing my linings and inner zip/slip pockets for the glued together sample bags I'm making, just to tweak designs and master my basic techniques. I've also found that I can get a "Typical" brand flat-bed, industrial leather machine from Alibaba, that comes in at around $1300 including shipping (+ possibly some additional customs duties). There are a lot of them listed so I need to really take my time and make sure I pick a model with the correct specs. It'll be an expensive mistake otherwise. I've never needed to purchase off of Alibaba and this is a lot of money, so I also want to make sure I find a legitimate supplier. The site has been around as long as I've been alive, I think, so it should be a safe and secure transaction. Worst case scenario is that the "Typical" machine only lasts a couple of years, but even then it's a starting point and readily accessible, so it'll be an investment into my education in the craft. It feels far more fruitful than continuing to chase the superior machine options that are just not going to be available to me here. Edit: I just ran a search on the forums and found that the Typical machines are actually considered good! So, I'm not even settling with this option. Brilliant! As for the cylinder arm option, I'm putting that on hold. I don't think I'm at the skill level where I can use one correctly, nor do I think it's even necessary at this early stage of my learning. As many of you have mentioned, it is inevitable that I'll end up with additional machines for different purposes, so I can always add this later if I require it. Thank you all so very much for sharing your experiences and advice! It's just wonderful how everyone's ready to jump in and help out. It's more than I expected, especially as I'm so new to this all and I need more advice than your typical poster. Wishing you all a great weekend and thanks again!
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