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About BlackDragon

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    Purses, holsters, wallets and the like
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  1. It's not splotchiness, it's "character".
  2. It's going to depend on a few factors really. If the holes run vertically you are weakening the belt because of the direction of force applied to the belt. Like in Chuck's scenario of pulling on a piece of toilet paper. Horizontally, the force wont have as much as an impact on the holes because the force is distributed across more leather. When it comes to stitches that run diagonally it's going to depend on the size of the holes and the distance between the holes. If you have big or small holes close together you will have a weak belt. And of coarse it's going to depend on how much force is applied to the belt. A dress belt with small holes somewhat close together will be weak but if it's just for looks you arent going to tighten it very much.
  3. My thick belts, 12-14oz, are made as carry belts. They also have a thin reenforcement to prevent stretching from the weight of the firearm and extra magazine(s). My brother in law uses one of my belts to carry a firearm, mag, and a set of pliers. .21in/ 5.3mm
  4. My brother in law's cousin works for an auction. A woman in a similar situation wants to auction off her late husband's leather shop and he said there is just so much and the market is so small in this area that it'll be a huge undertaking for him for little return. He got a hold of me to see if I want some of it and to help decide what is the best way to sell what remains. I haven't seen what she has yet.
  5. Doing a google image search with the SN# it comes back as a Consew 255RB-2.
  6. Happy Thanksgivings! I hope you enjoy the holiday.
  7. I wasn't able to track down Craftool that's similar so far. You can try this place. I've bought from them in the past and they have a few somewhat similar. https://proleathercarvers.com/collections/background-stamps/products/e481-background-matting
  8. Is this the one https://www.ebay.com/itm/333575752337?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=b60briaxqgs&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. Just to be clear don't draw on the leather where a person will see the marks. Draw on paper, tracing velum would be best, then align the paper where you want it and use something; a stylus or pencil, to trace the image onto the leather
  10. Depending on the application I use either 7B-9B pencils, an awl, or a silver pen. The pencils I use on unfinished vegtan because like you I have difficulty seeing the mark with an awl An awl or silver pen on finished leather. Silver is easier to see on black. On the flesh side I use either an awl or silver pen
  11. I worked on it a bit more
  12. My shop went from a small corner of a garage. To a 16'x44' Amish build shed. One thing I like: space!!! One thing I don't like: still want more space! (I think I have a problem )
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