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About BibiBielat

  • Birthday October 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fresno, CA
  • Interests
    Leather and canvas bag making

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    bag making
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  1. I'm just a gal in Central California with a literal ton of fabulous leather and studio supplies waiting for the right person to come along and swoop it all up! Make me an offer I can't refuse! I'm a really nice person, I promise!



  2. BibiBielat

    Booth Display

    I have had lots of people reach out who remembered us from the shows we used to do and asked for images of our booth. I am proud of it, I built it myself, I think it was the most beautiful booth.
  3. We have an entire studio/workshop of beautiful custom made leather, high end hardware sourced from Buckle Guy and lots of tools and supplies. We made handcrafted leather and waxed canvas bags and accessories and built a brand that people loved. We are happy to be able to pass on our tools and materials to the next makers and creators. We are located in Fresno, California. We closed up shop a couple years ago and we still have tons of raw materials. We have kept it all in our insulated and temperature controlled garage for the last couple years but we recently moved it all to a storage unit in hopes that we wouldn’t need to keep it there long. I have been trying to sell everything, and I’ve had some success at selling some stuff but there is still so much left. I need it gone! I don’t want to keep paying to store it and I’m willing to let it go to whoever makes me the best offer. I can’t bear the thought of tossing it all in the trash. I estimate we have $20,000 in leather, $6,000 canvas, $5,000 hardware, $3,000 tools, machines and studio supplies. I would love to get $15,000 for ALL of it but I am open to all offers! I built a website to show everything that we have available https://www.leatherandcanvasbusinessforsale.com/ Please reach out with any questions.
  4. We have an entire studio/workshop of beautiful custom made leather, high end hardware sourced from Buckle Guy and lots of tools and supplies. We made handcrafted leather and waxed canvas bags and accessories and built a brand that people loved. We are located in Fresno, California. We closed up shop a couple years ago and we still have tons of raw materials. We have kept it all in our insulated and temperature controlled garage for the last couple years. I have been trying to sell everything, and I’ve had some success at selling some stuff but there is still so much left. I need it gone! I don’t want to keep paying to store it and I’m willing to let it go to whoever makes me the best offer. I can’t bear the thought of tossing it all in the trash. We have $22,000 in leather, $6,000 waxed canvas, $5,000 hardware, $5,000 tools, machines and studio supplies. I would love to get $15,000 for ALL of it but I am open to all offers! I built a website to show everything that we have available https://www.leatherandcanvasbusinessforsale.com/ Please reach out with any questions.
  5. My wife and I have a leather bag making business (well, I should say "had"). We ran our handmade leather and waxed canvas bag business for 6 years and we were super successful and had a wonderful time doing it. It got too big for us to continue at the rate that we were and also keep our full time careers. We either had to go all in and quit our careers with health insurance, job security and 401k's or become full time bag makers. I know we made the right choice, at 50 years old, to continue with our careers. If we had done this in our 20's or 30's we would have risked it all and continued to pour our hearts and souls into our business. So, we are selling ALL our tools, materials, equipment and stuff. We would love to see it all go to other makers and creators. leatherandcanvasbusinessforsale.com
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