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About easy

  • Birthday 08/18/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Netherlands (Holland)
  • Interests
    Riding my Harley , making sandblasting glasstattoos on mirrors , glasses

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    belts , wristbands & upholstery
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  1. costs for sending it to the states :
  2. I,m selling my Junker & ruh sd28 , the machine is complete and works great included a operation manual. 400 euro,s or 575 dollars. Grtz Ron - Netherlands.
  3. I made this belt for a member of Satudarah mc ( dutch mc ) translated - one blood
  4. Hey Gemakkelijk :-),

    Leuk eens iemand uit Nederland te zien.

    Wie weet komen we mekaar nog eens hiet of daar tegen.

    Grtzz Duif

  5. Thanx Spence , i put the buckle end/piece ? , together with chigago screws , so that i can make the belt larger when its is neccesary ? sorry for my englisch i didn,t know that he still grows for maybe another year grtz Ron
  6. this is my second collar , for a customer he wants him for his Mastiff / Dogo Canario , a real dog his neck measures 24 inches ( 60 cm ) , 1 jear old
  7. Made for a customer , 2 inches wide
  8. thanks , i figured out myself , and now i,m seeing that i dit it wel , de machine works great
  9. Is there anybody who can tel or show me , how the thread runs - (bobbin and needle) i saw a lot of pics , but no one shows me how to start sewing i became this one from a retired shoemaker thanx and grtz ron ( netherlands)
  10. i found this foto from a old sadlemaker in the netherlands , the owners keep this building and his tools , so it was in 1896 i also found this one , grtz Ron
  11. this is my first guitar strap , i made it for a friend , he pays me 80 euro,s ( 100 dollars ?)
  12. for my belts , i use a bench drill . and before i get started , i putt the leather into water for at least 6 hours grtz , ron - netherlands
  13. This belt i made for a customer , xiena is the name of his dog.
  14. this one i have to make for a friend ho is playing in an bluesband , named Van Holland i have to cut out those letters , this becomes my first guitar strap.
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