The only thing I know you can do is exactly as I had to do to learn which is..... look in your area telephone directories, or just drive around, until you find an old saddle shop with a filthy floor ....ask the owner if they will let you sweep it for about six months until they decide you have learned the right to start washing grungy manure stained saddles. continue workin at washing saddles, sweeping the floor, getting everyones cofee, breakfast, lunch ect. learning whatever you can by keeping your ears and eyes open and your mouth shut for about a year then perhaps you might even get moved up to stamp hand as well.. after you have dissassemble about a hundred saddles washed and oiled them and reassembled them you will start to get an idea of how a saddle is constructed and thus how to build one. All the time you are doing this make sure you have permission to sleep in your car out back so as to be sure you are on time for work each and every morning so you dont get runned off. If after all this the top hand saddle maker decides he likes you and you are worthy he might start to explain some of the procedures he is doing and allow you to watch...If you are not willing to do all that I mentioned then save yourself the time and simply go buy you a damn saddle cuz you dont want it bad enough!