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Posts posted by maddhatter

  1. what i've also found most helpful when tooling is to place the taped piece of leather onto a card board sheet or some type of platic backing as to control the stretch of the leather while you continue to tap your design

    good luck and keep us posted on how your projects turned out.


  2. Wow thanks for the patterns !!!! I've been searching for the mavrick for some time now, the guy at the tandy store by me said he had the patterns but they were so worn out that you couldnt see the details of the lines or the holes and was waiting for another copy from another store manager to put them all together to sell at 10 bucks a pop. well long story short he got in the top hat but not the others so i purchased the tophat pattern and was searching for the rest. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. ok so here is the finished bag for the customer etsy pics 207.jpg sorry if the pics a bit fuzzy an over sized, the bigger bag is the one that the customer had ordered, distressed, faded, and laced (chuckle), and she didnt want the smaller bag so its up for sale (chuckle).


    p.s. thanks for the help in figuring out how to do the sky, in the end it took acouple of star stamps a back grounder and acouple colors of dye


  4. hmmm marbled effect, sounds intresting i have an idea or two on that one, what would you suggest ? just got scrap time invested so far and always need practice braiding so doing a moc version of the bag is practice and i can always try to sell it for a coin purse (chuckle) if the customer doesnt like it.

  5. ok so this is what i came up with etsy pics 197.jpg customer liked the colors the stars the boarder then said they wanted it in a distress fasion crazy.gif i told her ok i can do that, so i grabbed a wet rag an started to scrub an lighten the colors to give it that oh so worn look (chuckle) then laced it all up an this is what it looks like etsy pics 201.jpg and this isnt even the final project this is still for aproval to get the job, the final bag will be much much bigger.



  6. yep im from mn the land of 10,000 frozen lakes, heh he jumped to a lower state aye (chuckle) i know a few people in iowa german town area some wheres around demoines (how ever ya spell it), oh by the way the glue dots worked well, how ever the customer didnt see it my way (chuckle) so back to the drawing board, some customers have no flair for artistic expansions (chuckle)

  7. hey all i've been pounding my head against a wall on this one, an im sure there is a very easy way to do it so it eludes me (chuckle), but any way heres the deal i have a customer that wants an item done with the night sky in mind, (ok no big deal) i got the color down now heres the kicker how to carve the stars where no two stars are the same and they look like the stars in the sky, big ones small ones and so on.

    any and all ideas would be of great help, thanks to every one in advance.


  8. greetings, what i use is a glazed pig skin lining the weight is 1.5 to 2 oz stuff it has a shiny side and suede side, up to you which side you would like to use, i make my wallet linings out of the stuff an its tuff, i keep waiting for it to tear one of these days because of how thin it is, but it keeps holding, sorry for rambling


  9. Mr Burnett,

    it is great to have you here with us, i'm a member of your every thing burnett club and have learned alot from your books and works, i for one as well as many others will be paying close attention to your classes and can't wait for them to start, i would also like to thank you for the signed copy of your pictorial definitions book, it is the greatest prize in my collection of books.



  10. greetings one and all, i've been lurking around this site for some time now, only to come out of the shadows every now and then, i got into leather working in the early 90's.

    a friend of my dads took a troubled kid under his wing and gave him a special gift of leather craft, didn't have two pennies to rub together, a young daughter and girlfriend at the time and thought him how to create what he saw.

    give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to create and he eats for a life time.

    to him i owe alot too, for what it took to inspire a thick headed kid that didn't know where to turn in life and found a trade and life.

    i still have alot to learn and many ways to learn them, i've learned alot for the masters on this site and love coming here each an every day to read whats new or see the wonders that they have created and i can only inspire to being one day.

    thank you all for all the work you have put into this site and making it what it is today, a place for novice or master alike to come and pick each others brains to continue on what we have all come to love, the art of leather working.

    thanks for listening to me ramble on.


  11. GAH !! another excellent top hat !!!!!!!!!!! sweeeeeeeeettttttttttt!!!!!!!!!

    you all are making me drool with these hats they are most excellent in more words than i can think of, keep up the excellent work, i'm hoping one day i'll be able to make such works as these, until then i'll keep drooling at the masters at hand.



    love the hat, made me drool just looking at it, most excellent work, may i also inquire about the pattern as well when you have the time please, would love to tackle some thing like this and a tophat would be most excellent of choice.

    you do awesome work, makes me not want to set my tools down

    thanks much for showing this off, you inspire me to become a better leathermen and hopefully someday i will


  13. would love to learn how to make these, i have a few friends that have asked me about them, and i don't have the foggiest idea of where to start, how do you seal the bottle, what do you seal it with, i'm seeing bee's wax but wouldnt that come off, how would this work with holding booze or wine ?? any danger of it leaking after sealed, i got the idea of how to shape it, do you sew the pieces together first then soak the leather for until saturated and fill with said item for streching ?? after drying pour in the bees wax ??? roll around and then expell excess ?? any and all info would be great on this subject.

    thanks much,


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