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Everything posted by eksine

  1. I haven't found the materials/ chemical list for Clear Lac , but this is obviously user error. You must have assumed that since it has Lac in the name that lacquer thinner was what you're supposed to use as thinner. Lacquer thinner is even stronger than acetone which is used to strip leather dye. You made a horrible mistake. if you had sprayed it on it could have worked but my instinct tells me it's thinner is either denatured alcohol or possibly water. alcohol is less harsh, but you could still rub off the dye. Use full strength or if alcohol is the true thinner than spray it on. even full strength I would use an airbrush or 0.5mm - 0.7mm airgun, harbor freight $30 and $15 depending on touch up model. or spraygunsdirect.co.uk and the Iwata LPH80 Touch-Up Gravity with 70ml cup at 0.6mm nozzle $260
  2. Did you not try acetone? What about isopropyl alcohol? Those should remove the dye. Try to also remove it on the underside of the leather if you can. I don't see how that wouldn't work using acetone? The reason why it came out so dark is because you used too many layers of dye I found the most consistent way is just to use a paper towel or some kind of cotton t-shirt and rub it on using a circular motion and do it quick so you can get the whole layer on evenly. Your last ditch effort can be acrylic paint by Angelus, specifically made for leather. You could also use airbrush acrylic paint it should say for the leather shoes
  3. Wood stains are either oil based or water based, that's why minwax takes so long to dry because it's an oil carrier. Leather dyes are alcohol based, dries very quick. Those are the basic differences. What the coloring is composed of may be entirely different too. I know fiebings pro dye wipes off the surface with alcohol so I don't feel that it sticks that well. Try wiping off the minwax stain using various solvents and see how durable it is.
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