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  • Location
    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    Natural leather, hand sewing

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Collars and leashes
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    sewing machines, suggestions, new techniques
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  1. JT's Outdoor has only one that could be interesting for me (this: https://jtsoutdoorfabrics.com/1-Tongue-Buckle--Nickel-Plated-Zinc_p_18016.html) and the others are not what I look for. I can definitely buy one to see how it is but yeah not the perfect place for what I need
  2. Thank you for the tip! they have a small selection of buckles and I look for something that it's less "standard-looking" (I don't know how to say it without sounding like a nightmare sorry!) :) Thank you again I need something more sturdy, so yeah my research continues!
  3. Hello everyone! I am looking for some suggestions on a supplier to buy buckles, rings, D-rings, snaps and rivets for dog accessories here in Canada. I am based in Montreal and in the are the only one that I know is Cuir Desrocher. I've also looked up other store in different provinces like Lonsdale leather, Longview leather and some in the US like Buckle Guy. But my problem is that I didn't find the right design or the prices are high. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you!
  4. Thank you so much everyone! This forum has bee super helpful! @kgg @MtlBiker @toxo @dikman @Wizcrafts <3
  5. Thank you again and again! I just called again the dealer and yeah the machine now has a clutch motor but I asked and he offered me a servo motor (plus installation) for 195$, and reading about you and @kegg comments I think it could be a good deal! My only doubt on it is that I will need to be slow and precise so maybe clutch it would be better for me to start? Anyway I am pretty set on this machine and tomorrow I'll go there and try it, so I did everything that I could in terms of research before buying it. The table that the machine have now I think is the standard one, 48x20 or am I wrong? So do you think if I make him cut it a bit smaller it wouldn't be a great move?
  6. Thank you so much for all the tips I asked the vendor and I am waiting for his reply.
  7. @MtlBiker but I saw this very useful video and it seems you can adjust your stitch length...
  8. I didn't sometimes I type on here what I look for and nothing comes up. But anyway I didn't look at motor also because being ignorant I really would have just looked and noticed nothing to be completely honest. I was pleased with the 6 month warranty and the fact I can notice if something is wrong and bring it back
  9. I just came back from the place that sells the Juki 563. They will install for me also the drop down edge, give me 6 months of warranty, bobbins, needles and shipped it for free. Since I'll work from home they also said the table could be cut 8' to adjust my space. It seems in good conditions for 750$ but since I am not an expert I'll ask you Here you can find some pics that I took: Should I just go for it?
  10. Hello again I found this machine on Kijiji I've never heard about this brand, could it be ok I contacted the seller because he didn't put any specification on the product. Also I found a Juki LU 563 and a Juki DDL-5600N (both in the price range 700-800$), any suggestion on that?
  11. Thank you for your suggestion. I'll definitely check industrial sewing machine repair/services. I can definitely increase a bit more my budget but I definitely wanted to stay under 1K for my first one I'll send you a private message so we can chat!
  12. Yes I have seen it and it's very interesting, but I am still a little confused/insecure about what I should buy, especially with my budget that I know it's not the biggest of all. It's also my first sewing machine for leather and I would like to avoid buying one and discover when it will arrive that it will not suit my purpose... I am a total beginner and the options are many, I would just need a tip to reduce my options given my budget. It's even possible to find something that I need to start within my budget?
  13. Hello everyone I am new in the leather work industry and I am making dog collars and leashes and sewing them by hand. But now I am interested in buying a sewing machine to speed up the process and be even more precise. I am doing some research online but it's very difficult to understand what machine will be the one perfect for me. I am working with natural leather that is 3/3.5 oz thick and/or natural leather 3oz plus a padding made with soft leather (0.8/1oz) and some foam. What would you suggest I could buy? My budget is 500/600 CAD. I found two Omega machines on e-bay that seem interesting but I read good and bad things about them at the same time (model Omega 307 and Omega walking foot WF22ZZ). Thank you a lot for your help!
  14. Hello everyone I am starting a new adventure and I am making leather collars and leashes for dogs. I am currently sewing them by hand but I would like to invest in a good/resistant sewing machine. I am definitely not an expert and online I am find a lot of different opinions about this topic that are a little confusing. What would you recommend buying for a first timer? I am looking around on e-bay and similar websites and for my budget (500-600 CAD) I only seem to find Omega machines (to be precise model 307 or Walking foot WF24LNZZ). Just to be completely transparent, I am planning to sew thickness of 3oz / 3.5oz natural leather and/or 3oz of natural leather plus a padding of 0.8/1oz soft leather and some foam. Thank you so much for your help!
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