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Kevin King

website update

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Hey all! I've been working my arse off trying to get my site updated. Its still a long way from what I have planned, but the other one didnt "represent" so I went ahead and published what i've done so far.

Maybe ya'll could check it out and see what you like/don't like.

Any feedback is welcome!




Edited by Kevin King

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cool site and I repeat myself...... but awesome work!!!

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Aaaaahhhh maaan!

Your stuff is so beautiful that I probably wouldn't notice if your website was all up and down. :notworthy:

Nice job on freeing up the objects from the rest of the picture, they almost pop out of the screen here...just a little bit more and I can grab one!

Think it will look great when done.


Edited by TomSwede

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Great so far. It might be my browser but the lettering at the top fades into the background and is very difficult to see.

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Maybe ya'll could check it out and see what you like/don't like.

Any feedback is welcome!

My preference in to NOT have white as a background. I find it too stark and bright on the eyes. Soften with a light yellow, grey, or some other muted color.


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Great job, Kev. I agree with Jordan, you might want to fade the background on your header a bit so your title will stand out better, Your work is great as usual. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it up.

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KK, I'd have to agree with Bob, though I was going to give him a hard time and say that he's just old and probably not waring his Roy Orbasin sunglasses like I do. :red_bandana:

But I do think that it would add an air of professionalism to your site if you at least gave it an off white or subdude background (how about a background of natural hide?). Us old farts don't want to have to squint tooo much when we look at your fine work.

But otherwise you done well with your pics. Keep at it younging, just kiddin, I don't git to use that old guy talk much. :rofl: Heyeh heyeh heyeh GH

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