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Re dying a bag with stains marks

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Just wondering if it is possible to re dye a bag to a different color (light color to darker color) using pro dye. 2 bags in question have marks, fading, blotches and wondering if it will cover this up? I believe the process is to firstly clean well with rubbing alcohol then wipe the dye over evenly with a dense sponge? Will it dry to a dull matte finish and need some sort of polish?
After the dye has dried / set do I need to apply some polish or finisher to bring out the color and shine a bit? If so what would I use?
Is rubbing alcohol suitable for de glazer?
I have attached some example photos? Do you think the dye will cover the fading and un evenness? The grey bag may have even had some mould at some point but both bags are soft and pliable and surface good. Just want to make sure if I dye the bags, the dye will likely cover up the uneven color and blotches / marks. Will be using a dark mahogany red / brown color, similar to what I would say standard red / brown saddle / tack color. The dye etc will cost close to what the bags worth so need to make sure the job will be worth the trouble. If I get less than decent result will have to throw the bag away losing the cost of it and the dye.
Appreciate any help

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Is there a part of the bag( out of view)  where you can try a small area first? Just in case the dye doesn't quite work out . 

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16 hours ago, Handstitched said:

Is there a part of the bag( out of view)  where you can try a small area first? Just in case the dye doesn't quite work out . 

Not really, the inside is lined and all outside areas visible. To be honest I think its a do or die job lol. If it cant be recolored successfully it's a throw away job.

By the way, can you tell me how long between dye coats you need to allow for drying? And after final coat applied how long before can apply a finish / conditioner to it for a buff and polish


Thank you for your reply :-)

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9 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

If it cant be recolored successfully it's a throw away job.

From my own experience, someone gave me a shoulder bag for me to ' cut up'  and use the leather.  Too good to cut up,  but the brown-ish  colours were all over the place like its been out in the sun , so, I went about dying it. I cleaned it using a solvent  etc.  tried dying it  dk brown...it came out blotchy and patchy , it was crap . I nearly threw it out, but , I am later going to try dying it black . Black seems to cover all sorts 'stuff'. So what I'm going to try is dye it black, let dry over night and give it another coat. If it works, I'll seal it, if it doesn't then I'll cut it up and use the leather   :) 


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What I see is a lot of dirt and some fading mainly.  In my experience and opinion dyes don't "fix" color variation and in fact can exacerbate it.  Black might work as suggested by Handstitched, but I think there is still a chance that some areas are always going to stand out and be obviously different.

Stains are transparent and as such they don't really cover up defects.  There is no way they can "smooth out" or eliminate dark spots.  That's just not how they work.  To do that you'd have to use something opaque, like a paint-like product.

I have a lot of experience in the application of various types of coatings in building construction and there are similarities here.  

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Well, Kenny . . . I'm a "nothing ventured . . . nothing gained" type of guy.  And for sure the only guaranteed way to fail . . . is to not try.

That said . . . I've never messed with a lot of re-dyeing projects . . . 

But you just need to ask yourself if it is worth the $10 worth of dye and thinner and time . . . OR . . . you might carefully sand the outside . . . scrub it with a wire brush . . . take another piece of leather and just re-cover the whole thing . . . OR . . .cut out heart / flower / cartoon, etc. shapes and glue them over the worst parts.

There are cures for those things that are just plain ugly . . . and the cosmetic counters at Walmart and other places are living proof  :lol:  :lol:

May God bless,


Edited by Dwight

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