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Help Finding GOOD 111w Parts

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I have been lurking for a few months - thank you all for the information here!  

Thank you, @Uwe, for your wonderful video on timing the 111w155.   

I need help finding good sources for 111w155 parts.  Good parts, that fit as they should.  Not almost good enough.

I received a feed dog rocker shaft  [Singer PN 223650], "new".

The shaft diameter of the new part is 12 thousandths of an inch smaller than the original. That is a lot of play at up to 3200 Stiches per minute. Yes, you can feel it.

The bolt for the feed dog lever will not fit into the new shaft, and the new shaft is not threaded. The bolt is 0.3850, and the hole is 0.3775,
a difference of 7.5 thousandths.

Is there anyone that doesn't deal in Chinese crap?



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5 hours ago, TXJax said:

I need help finding good sources for 111w155 parts.  Good parts, that fit as they should.

You have two options for obtaining discontinued Singer parts.

  1. Buy a donor machine head of the same make and model that is complete, turns freely, and is affordable.
  2. Contact dealers who have been in business for at least 40 years, or longer and ask if they have any OEM parts that you need. They may have some unsold replacement parts, or remove them from a donor machine. One of our supporting advertisers is a long time dealer who has a lot of old Singer parts.

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Try sewingmachines.com. Mel has been in the biz for a long time and used to have a whole bin, full of them.
Now, they recently moved so they may have scrapped them, but it's worth a phone call.

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What people with old lathes and mills do is make their own parts.    It was a harsh lesson when I bought an old lathe.  You need another lathe to make parts for the first lathe. That and like old Lathes, the threads on most sewing machine screws are completely non-standard.  So you can't just pick up screws at the hardware store.  

Most of these old machines aren't worth all that much.  I agree with Wiz that the most viable way to get parts is buy another machine and make one good machine from the parts of the two. 


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