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Adler 30-7 / Singer 29 Copy

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Top tension is good and even.  IMO it’s just right but the bobbin thread is popping out of the stitch and looping on top.  No matter how light I make the top tension this happens.  Any suggestions?

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Perhaps your bobbin tension or bobbin threading is not right. I’d check that first.

Also, the top thread path may contribute to the problem. Perhaps the thread take-up lever is not working correctly.

A few pictures would be great. Show us your top thread path and how you thread the bobbin. 

A video snippet of the machine misbehaving would be really good, too. Best way to share videos here is to upload an unlisted video to YouTube and post the link to it here. 

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It should always be possible to tighten the bobbin spring to exert sufficient tension on the bobbin thread to keep the knots centered inside the leather. Make sure that you feed the bobbin against the direction of the slot in its case and snap it under the tension spring. Then tighten down the bobbin tension screw until there is a reasonable pull required to get the thread out. Make sure that the top thread isn't getting caught under or around something it shouldn't. That includes the spool it is wound on.

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First thing is to check you have the bobbin the correct way in

second check you have a small tension in the bobbin thread, check the thread is under the bobbin spring

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So what machine are you using an Adler 30-7 or a Singer 29 clone / copy???

When using a Singer 29 / 29K clone / copy are you using the correct needle system 332 / 29x4 / 29x3 / or 135x16 / 135x17 and the long grove is facing left?

If you are using a 30-7 the needle is longer than for the 29 / 29K and the system is called 332 LONG / 332L.

Or try a new needle and read the manual again - this sometimes helps. ;)

Edited by Constabulary

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