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My shootout wallet

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I found out about this from the post here and decided to take a shot at it. Tooling is one of my many not great at aspects, obviously, lol.  Overall I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Wallets are not something I tend to make a whole lot of, because I don't like how they come out, so why would anyone else? ( just the way my mind works) BUT that being said I'm never going to get better at making them if I don't make them. Anyway it's too late to get it entered and tbh I don't know if I'd have the fortitude to enter it even if I had the chance??



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Looks like a nice wallet to me. The tooling is simple but clean. I don't know what context you're entering but I think you'd have a chance.

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2 hours ago, Ddat said:

Looks like a nice wallet to me. The tooling is simple but clean. I don't know what context you're entering but I think you'd have a chance.

Thank you. Simplejack1985 originally posted about it, read his post, it would make more sense then I could. Thanks again

46 minutes ago, MarshalWill said:

Looks great! I like it. Clean, as Ddat said. Very fine work.

Thank you 

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Nice work. Did you get yours in on time?

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Thanks. Nope, lol, just finished it this morning 

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6 hours ago, Chux said:

Thanks. Nope, lol, just finished it this morning 

Well now you get to keep it and enjoye it

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Pretty much, lol, but it will probably just end up sitting on a shelf or something 

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