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Which table do you prefer for Cylinder arm machines?

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I was surprised that my searches didn't come up with any threads asking this question before but what are the advantages and disadvantages of pedestal vs U shaped sewing table for Cylinder arm machines? I like the pedestal just because it's a smaller foot print and I would prefer to stand while I sew but it has less area to support larger pieces (even with the add on table) than the U-shaped table which is a sit down table with larger foot print.

I am considering the Cowboy CB341 which costs $150 to upgrade to the pedestal table (it comes with the U-shaped table) however the Cobra Class 26 comes with the Pedestal table at the same price as the CB341 with the U-shaped table and these machines similar specs.


Curious as to what most of you prefer?




Edited by p40whk

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I have a Techsew 2700 cylinder arm machine that's mounted on a U shape table. The table sometimes gets in the way with saddle bags, back packs, or large bags. Other times it provides some useful support when I'm sewing jackets. I bought it used, as is. If I was going to order another cylinder arm machine, it would be on a pedestal.

I do have a table attachment for the Techsew, but don't use it. I already have two walking foot machines on standard tables for all flat work sewing. My harness stitcher is a Cowboy cb4500, on a pedestal. I may have used its table attachment two or three times in 12 years.

Speaking as a professional sewer, I recommend buying a flat bed machine for flat work and a cylinder arm for bags, hems, saddles, or anything than can simply curve over the arm and be happy. If the machine you choose has the needle really close the the left end, it will probably let items with bottom shapes and hardware pass by freely as you sew on their right edges. This is a big deal in my shop. I sometimes have to install a raised holster or stirrup throat plate to allow hardware or bottom shapes to clear on the left as I sew. You simply can't do this on a flat bed machine.

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Pedestal for cylinder arm machines, table for flat bed, is my preferred choice.

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I originally mounted my CB4500 on a conventional table but then hacked the table to convert it to a pedestal. Two reasons, it made it a smaller footprint in the shed  but mainly it gave greater access around the head for sewing awkward pieces. I think a pedestal may give you the best overall flexibility when using a cylinder arm machine.

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