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I was able to get about 200 single cap conchos for almost nothing. The problem is they did not have the caps.

Does anoyone know if you can buy just the caps from somwhere?


Thanks GUys/Gals

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Can you post a pic of the conchos front & back. It will help the others help identify of what is needed & where to get them possibly. 


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this is what the front and back look like

1 hour ago, Pinto said:

this is what the front and back look like

I have never install one myself so I just watch a video of installing conchos ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL-eW6DkCEk ).

I am going to assume your concho's stem is also threaded so it is just a matter of finding the correct size screw for attachment. I would use a nut / screw thread gauge to determine the size needed. For the most common sizes I find the Chinese nut / screw gauge similar to ( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007315188557.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.21.79e3ZdnIZdnIxM&algo_pvid=1aca4878-402f-4f94-9b21-d996454393f2&algo_exp_id=1aca4878-402f-4f94-9b21-d996454393f2-10&pdp_npi=4%40dis!CAD!23.62!12.99!!!16.13!8.87!%402103244817345326557723276e6b56!12000040228337903!sea!CA!3463193163!X&curPageLogUid=8y7oEuQnLAr1&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A  ) are good enough.

If the conchos were made in the US then you will probably be looking at Imperial sizes. If they were made elsewhere chances are you are looking at metric sizes. From the photo it looks like a screw in the 3mil range which is about 1/8"  would work.If you don't have a thread gauge take a concho to some hardware store as most have a gauge by the nuts and bolt display. 





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2 hours ago, Pinto said:

Thanks. I think that style of concho uses a washer on the back that fits the hollow stud/tube. Then you use a a hollow tube rivet setter.  


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Maybe @bruce johnson is familiar with this style of concho & knows what tools it takes to set them. 

Hopefully he can set us straight on this.


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Look at tubular rivet setter. I think that is what tool might be used/needed to set that type of concho.


Maybe you could find a tap and thread them.

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That looks like a base for a Chicago screw.  Chicago screws are typically 1/8" diameter machine screws (not sure about the thread pitch) and readily available.  Use thread locker or nail polish on the threads to secure it.


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