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handle supports

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I've been using 1/8" thick aluminum for my handle supports on my leather briefcases. The aluminum bar is situated between the inside suede lining and the external flap leather. The handle D-ring tabs are riveted to this bar through the leather.

I would like to use a thinner metal for this support. I've heard this metal called spring steel but have been unable to find a supplier. Might any of you know where I should look?



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Spring steel is a low alloy, high carbon steel. AISI 1050, 1055, 1074, and 1095 are all considered spring steels.

I have bought from http://www.toolkinginc.com/ for some steel in the past,

Also Jorgensen, but have not bought from them since they got bought out by EMJ metals. http://www.emjmetals.com/.

Most spring steels are more commonly available in wires, but flat stock is also available.

Check your local yellow pages for steel suppliers. Most steel stores will have the stock available.

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If you're currently using 1/8" thick aluminum, you're using about the thinnest bar stock you'd be able to find. Thinner than that and you're actually talking sheet product.

There are some very strong aluminum alloys available that would serve well. I'd guess you're currently using 6061? How thin do you want to go? 5052 is a good alloy and is quite strong. It is available in sheet, as is 6061, but I'm not too sure where you'd find it at a good (cheap) price. Usually distributors such as EMJ (Earl M. Jorgensen) have a pretty hefty minimum charge.

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Had another thought on the subject. Not sure if it is cost effective for you, but why don't you try using a steel strapping (like pipe hanger straps). those are more readily available.

But I am wondering, if spring steel would be too flexible and not give you the support you need especially if you go with the thinner materal.

Hopefully that made sense, my brain is fried right now.

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