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LW classes?

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ClayB, Holly (Wildrose), Alex (abn), Mike (Wolvie), Carl (cjbleather) so far. Well, me and dsenette, too. Anyone have any other suggestions? Clay, maybe ask Bruce Johnson? Kate? Maybe Silva? I would ask her if you didn't want to. Tell Bob Beard to register, we need him for head judge. LOL I guess we'd better first define what we're doing, and I think we want to keep the first project very simple. I will come up with some prizes. Let's figure out something- I love the enthusiasm, and I thank you all for agreeing to work on this. The Live Chat feature might come in handy. (Carl, you can do this!) You folks are the best!




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My thoughts:

Three levels: beginner, advanced, master. Set a time frame for each (i.e. a beginner has been doing leather work for x amount of time)

Some different "classes" : stained/finished, uncolored, stamped, tooled, etc.

Same project? Or a variety allowed? (i.e. everyone do the same item, like a checkbook cover)

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First off... I am gonna step up and set a few rules here for us on the committy.

First rule... We vote on everything (except these rules) and if you dont like the outcome of the vote, oh well, suck it up and help anyway.

Second rule.... No arguing amoung ourselves about anything in here. We are all here for the same reason and we are adults, and trying to get something going on this board for the other members.

Third.... This is supposed to be fun, keep that in mind at all times! Fun for us gettign it off the ground, and fun for the members who we are doing this for.

More rules to be posted in the future as needed....

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Johanna, I figured out how to get into the chat room (with Clay's prompting). But, no one is ever there when I get in. Is there a time and day better then others for finding someone there? Carl

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What are you talking about? I am always in there.....

might not be sitting in front of the computer, but I am always logged in to the chat...

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Johanna, I figured out how to get into the chat room (with Clay's prompting). But, no one is ever there when I get in. Is there a time and day better then others for finding someone there? Carl

Hi Carl,

I am usually in the chat room on Saturday evenings around 7PM mountian time and will stick around as long as anyone is there. There are usually a few people there around that time, Johanna, Dale and Kate have been the regulars, but lately quite a few more are dropping in. If there is a better time for you, let me know and I will try and catch up with you.


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Mr. Wolvenstein and Clay, Yes, I did see you there. Sent a greeting with no response.In a couple of minutes and still no response. I logged off. Clay, 7 PM Mountain is 10 PM Eastern time, right? If I am on the computer at that time, I'll check in. However, with Hockey playoffs starting shortly, I usually like to watch the Red Wings or Hockey Night in Canada on Sat. evenings. So, it may not be for awhile. Carl

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