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new seat

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Every once in a while, I get to do something that isn't directly for Sucker Punch Sallys. This bike will tour trade shows for a year then be auctioned/raffled off. Obviously the company owner is Irish!

This bike was built by Chariot Choppers for Jack Doheny Supplies and currently has another seat on it that I did last year for the builder.

Dave Theobald

















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i like it!

just a bit of color makes quite a difference

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I never cease to be amazed. Standing ovation from here. :thumbsup:

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Thanks Beeze and Bruce,

Thumbs up from people you respect and admire always make a project worthwhile.

Had I been comissioned to do an Irish theme bike, I doubt I would have chosen shamrocks as my main theme element. I would probably gone the Celtic route; but, it was an interesting venture into adding color to a seat. I'm never sure how well the color will wear, so I usually opt for the monochrome or antiqued style of finish.

Thanks again,


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Very cool seat! I like the way the pattern flows and yes it's very true that a little color changes alot. I am going to pick up some food coloring and mess with it a bit. I'll let you know how and if or what when where it works.

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Hi David,

I wasn't tickled by that seat when I first saw it, but after seeing the paint on the bike, it is perfect. You make the bottom look as good as the top you old pro.


Every once in a while, I get to do something that isn't directly for Sucker Punch Sallys. This bike will tour trade shows for a year then be auctioned/raffled off. Obviously the company owner is Irish!

This bike was built by Chariot Choppers for Jack Doheny Supplies and currently has another seat on it that I did last year for the builder.

Dave Theobald

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