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Anyone know how to get the smell of skunk spray out of leather boots and or the inside of a pickup. Had a run in with a skunk today and if I cannot get the smell of skunk out of a few things the replacement costs could get a little steep. :helpsmilie:

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OdorNix. Google it, then buy it. It took two bottles ( coverage area for a station wagon and a yellow lab) but I killed the skunk in one of my customer's cars when I worked at WalMart. She was kind enough to bring the dog with her, and guess who likes to jump up on people and say hi.

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We have 3 bird dogs, and it seems every single year, at least one of them tangles with a skunk. Last year it was during camping, at VERY close range, and the entire camp ground and pavillion smelled really REALLY bad! We made the dog sleep in the van because I wasn't about to allow him in the camper (as if it didn't already smell bad enough). We gave the dog a couple baths in 1qt. hydrogen peroxide to 1/4c. baking soda and 1 Tablespoon dish detergent. Lather, rinse, repeat. Took 90% of the smell off the dog. The only time you smelled it after that was if you buried your nose in his fur, or if he got wet. Not harmful to the dog like chemical treatments could have been.

The van took a couple of months with the windows down till the smell went out because my husband was too cheap to buy skunk off.

You can also go to your local "Petsmart" and get stuff to take skunk spray off.

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But anyone experience HOW to remove odor from the dog LEATHER COLLAR!! without damaging...

thanks for tips

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THis is one of those 'cultural' experiences I am very pleased we don't have to deal with in the UK - is getting 'skunked' a regular event for people in the US?

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Here in Canada it is frequent for dogs, sometime humans if you dont take care, they even eat my chikens once...little cute monsters...

No skunks in UK?

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Tomato juice works rather well. Had a old mutt (who was no rocket scientist among dogs, btw) who had a run in with a skunk. Saturated the fur with tomato juice, shampooed, and I believe we repeated the process several times. He was good, except when he got wet, or when the weather turned damp. Then you could smell it, but faintly. Good luck


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Thankfully not.

There is something else which might help get skunk off dogs.

I don't know if you guys know the Chef's trick of washing your hands while handling something made of high grade stainless steel. It actually removes seriously strong smells.

When cooking, I often chop fresh garlic. You know how that can hang around....

I wash my hands with dish soap at the same time as handling the grip of my stainless Chef's knife and rubbing it over the skin of my hands (stay with me here). Don't ask me how, but it actually works. There's not even a hint of garlic smell afterwards.

Sounds weird, right?

I wonder if you got a lump of smooth stainless steel and rubbed the dog's fur with it while shampooing, it might work.




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THis is one of those 'cultural' experiences I am very pleased we don't have to deal with in the UK - is getting 'skunked' a regular event for people in the US?

Maybe some well meaning ex-pats could import a few to the UK to 'just to remind them of home' :evillaugh: , just like we got those damn starlings & the Aussies got those damn bunnies...


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for the skunk i would put 1/2 a 20 lb bag of charcoal in the car in a tub and 2 days later set it out and then put the other 1/2 the bag in the car and keep rotating them as you need it. all so look for a ozone machine that you can put in the car it will break down the stink to. the charcoal will just osorb it.


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Can't add much to helping the car, but for dogs straight hot water - as hot as you both can handle - will do wonders for removing the smell. A vet I worked for had her two show dogs skunked a couple of days before a big show. Lots of baths with regular shampoo and HOT water (no, we didn't scald the dogs!) and they made the show OK. So whatever in the car you can wash with hot water a few times, do that. Leather? Not the answer.

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Since this thread got bumped, I'll reiterate OderNix. It's an enxzymatic scent killer, and it works. It may also be sold under 'hunter's odornix', or 'veterinary odornix'. There's a few flavors, some with scents added, but the basic mix kills all odor and there's nothing left to smell.


BTW, I have no investment in this product or company, so I'm not 'promoting' it for any reason other than that it's a great product.

Edited by TwinOaks

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One of my client had is dog sprayed by a skunk, so now the collar is intolerable as it smell strong.

Anyone experience / good tips on removing odor without scraping the leather?

I was thinking about, let the time go...and the odor will fade...

or any leather cleaner may help?...

She was thinking about baking soda and peroxide...sound harsh.

thanks all

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i'm just guessing here...but maybe give it a bath/soak in white vinager??...then run it through a baking soda water mix...thats what i would try myself...if its a black collar...i'd soak it in the vinagroon...making sure it penetrated all the way...dunno...skunk is bad...and the funk prolly soaked in damn good...so whatever ya do its gonna have to penetrate the leather well...


Edited by sodapop

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Did you ever try Odernix on aniline leather twinoaks?

I try the soda paste on a leather scrap and thats very warsh, it do remove the top coat and the dye.

I read we could place the skunked leather in a bag 24h+ along with a pot of baking soda to absorb the odor.

I would be afraid to soak the leather. Maybe diluted white vinegar applied couple of time...but baking soda is no after the test i done...well, if that would be done, the piece would need a new dye and lots of cream.

Look like there is no magic answer (maybe Odernix?)

No one experience peroxide? I try on leather scrap and it dont look to warm at first sight.

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No, admittedly, I haven't used it specifically to remove skunk from leather. I have used it to remove cat spray from a leather coat, with no apparent damage to the leather.

I guess you could always contact the company through the web link I posted to ask them if it affects leather.

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