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Barrettes! I made one for my wife (the yellow rose) and she suggested I make some for an upcoming church fundraiser. So I made two more, but with a celtic design and I experimented on the finish. They came out kinda cool, but not what I was expecting. Enjoy






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Nice looking barrettes. Barrettes were some of my first leather work projects. Of course mine never looked as good as yours.


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Love your thingies Brent:-)

The color came out real vivid and nice and love the tooling.

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Hey! I like those! That rose came out really nice. :thumbsup:


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great thingies!!!! love the rose

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Thanks to all for the kind words!

I really like the rose. How do you attach the leather to the barrett?

tjg: It's two layers. I riveted the clip (jewelry store blank) to the backing piece so the hair side is out. Then I tooled the top and contact cemented it to the back, thus covering the rivets. Then it's just trim & finish.

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Nicely done! Love all these little project ideas, I present these to my wife as I am trying to get her involved in my leather obsession *Snicker* *Grin* :whistle:

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Nicely done! Love all these little project ideas, I present these to my wife as I am trying to get her involved in my leather obsession *Snicker* *Grin* :whistle:

Obsession! Indeed. I got so obsessed I made another rose barette and dyed red this time. The shading didn't come out as I'd hoped but still OK.








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I like - would wear any of them in a heart beat

If my hair was long again (it's growing out- not fast enough though)

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Very nice man !! Very !!

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Obsession! Indeed. I got so obsessed I made another rose barette and dyed red this time. The shading didn't come out as I'd hoped but still OK.





Brent, These are nice! You're doing really good with the colors. I have been trying to find these blank clips at OTB etc. to no avail. Where did you find them?


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Hobby Lobby has the hair barette clips. 3 Sizes too (I think 3, maybe two) But either way they have them in the jewelery section.


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THanks Allen. Hobby Lobby does, Joanne Fabric (or any big craft store). I bought the 80mm in a bulk pack at Hobby Lobby a week or so ago, which seems to be the largest clip size you can find. I have to make a few more for some friends, and this seems to be an ideal low $$, easy to make gift item for the ladies.

I'm thinking about doing some with skulls that I can wear. Not sure if I can make them butch enough for the midwest... Oh screw 'em. I'm too cool to care. Guess I'll have to get busy!


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HowardB said "Oh screw 'em. I'm too cool to care"


That is funny. Also my motto.


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Had a bad day, made another hair thingie. New celt pattern, kept it light this time. I like the way the finish came out on this one. Tooling may not be perfect, but I have the look I wanted. Deep cuts, checkered bevelers. I need some edge trimmers that don't suck. Anyway - here's a pic:




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Great looking dye work! Something I need to practice.

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Hey they are cool. But I think skull ones would be cool too!! hearts with wings are popular now too.

How about those other kinds that snap around a pony tail for when you are riding? Look very American Indian. Those are cool, and you can really only find them in black. I would like to see them more artsy.


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Hey they are cool. But I think skull ones would be cool too!! hearts with wings are popular now too.

How about those other kinds that snap around a pony tail for when you are riding? Look very American Indian. Those are cool, and you can really only find them in black. I would like to see them more artsy.


Marie - post a picture of what you are talking about. Sounds interesting!

I did a skull barrette. I decided to leave it single layer and leave the shiny rivets exposed.


And yes, I did have the nads to wear it to work.



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Geez, it's almost a fetish. More of them!!

OK, so these are for sale at our Guild booth at the PSLG show. We are doing it as a Fundraiser because we are hosting it next year.



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Sweeet. They are great!!


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