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Artisan Setup video.

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I am having problems finding the video Steve made, explaining set up and use of the 3000. It seems to have disappeared from this site and I forgot to download it. Also the set up manual on the Artisan website is missing as well.

If some one can help me I would appreciate it. You can shoot me a PM.



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I had to remove it because of a conflict between Hidecrafters (who produced the video) and Artisan. Contact Artisan directly to see if they can get you a copy.


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Thanks for the reply.

Who'd a thunk it? Drama in the world of leather sewing machines? :rolleyes2::blink::crazy::head_hurts_kr::dunno:

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Aah, what lies beneath the surface. To quote ol' Oscar Wilde:

“All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.”

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Something for the T-shirts in the new shop:


“All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.”

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I am having problems finding the video Steve made, explaining set up and use of the 3000. It seems to have disappeared from this site and I forgot to download it. Also the set up manual on the Artisan website is missing as well.

If some one can help me I would appreciate it. You can shoot me a PM.



No video but are you talking about the PDF's?



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Grunt, you might try Hide Crafters. They should have one. Call Ron or Eric at 1-817-878-5797.I think they have them for sale. Cobra Steve

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I would be more than happy to loan you mine (DVD) if you make sure I get it back.

I have had my machine for 4 weeks now & still having some difficulty so I watch the DVD several times & learn alittle more each time.

If interested shoot me a PM & I'll mail it to you.

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Well, that is Artisan's OLD site, and I don't have anything to do with that. The manual you want is here , present and correct on their NEW site.


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