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Hello from good old Germany

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I am Jens from Germany, 38 years old medieval knight reenactor and interested in carving. I used to build some small things like belts and bags. Because in future I want to take part in jousts, I have to have my own reins, saddle an so on. As I am fan of making things on my own and want to have my individual equipment, I need to learn much more of working with leather. I hope you guys can help me with some questions especially with carving and painting (and many more).

My last english conversation was years ago, so please be gentle and excuse any mistakes.

best regards from


Edited by feuervogt

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Welcome Jens

I too play in the Medieval World - only I do the "softer arts" (fabric and fiber)

and your english is very understandable. I know that you will find all sorts of things to keep you busy.


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Welcome to the forum, Jens. We have plenty of medievalists on here and even more who make saddles - I'm very keen to see a thread about building medieval saddles and horse gear. That ought to be highly entertaining.

Don't forget to post plenty of pictures of your work - If I have to do it then so must everyone else!

Have fun and don't worry about your use of English - we have people from all over the world on here so you will fit in just fine,

Best wishes, Ray


I am Jens from Germany, 38 years old medieval knight reenactor and interested in carving. I used to build some small things like belts and bags. Because in future I want to take part in jousts, I have to have my own reins, saddle an so on. As I am fan of making things on my own and want to have my individual equipment, I need to learn much more of working with leather. I hope you guys can help me with some questions especially with carving and painting (and many more).

My last english conversation was years ago, so please be gentle and excuse any mistakes.

best regards from


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Welcome to the forum Jens!

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Welcome Jens! This is a great resource.


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You're english is much better than my german.

Ein bier bitter. That's about all I know. Good luck with the saddles. Have fun

Edited by MBOGO

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"Ein Bier bitte!" is everything you need to know... :cheers:



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Hello Jens and welcome to the board!

Ein bier bitte;-)

This place is great for learning, read posts, ask questions and don't be shy to show off your work.

The atmosphere is very friendly around here and people is allways willing to share and help with their knowledge.


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If you do something really silly....this one should have it covered.

Ich trank zu viel.

Welcome to the forum!

Don't worry about your translation skills, there's native speakers that have trouble with English.

However.....Johanna (forum administrator) had some OOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDDD High German books she was trying to get translated....PM her and see if she still needs any help.

Suze? You know if she ever got those finished?

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I don't think so TwinOaks - there are not a lot of people that do speak High German around here

although I THINK that she might have mentioned somebody doing something for her about it - not sure though.

and you are right - some of us "born in the USA" don't talk so good. >giggle<

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..Hi Jens

herzlich Willkommen auf LW.net.

This is the first place for leatherworkers to be !!!

So many well skilled users, from newbie to pro are around and I have not seen anyone who does not want to share her / his knowledge.



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Hi Marcel,

oh, ein Wuppertaler, na denn mal einen schönen Gruß aus Lennep..;) (Allerdings wohne ich zur Zeit in Witten)

Nice to see some "neighbours" around here....

Yesterday I surfed around the forum a bit and found many very interesting hints and lots of great stuff. I'm far away from being this good!



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Guten Tag, Jens!

Hertzligen willkommen to the board!

/ Knut

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I am Jens from Germany, 38 years old medieval knight reenactor and interested in carving. I used to build some small things like belts and bags. Because in future I want to take part in jousts, I have to have my own reins, saddle an so on. As I am fan of making things on my own and want to have my individual equipment, I need to learn much more of working with leather. I hope you guys can help me with some questions especially with carving and painting (and many more).

My last english conversation was years ago, so please be gentle and excuse any mistakes.

best regards from


Hallo Jens...

Gruesse aus Virginia...in den USA

Als ausgewanderter Schwabe und Leder Hobby Fan schick ich mal schnell ein paar Gruesse ueber den Teich!!!

Toll das man hier auch Leute aus Deutschland trifft !!!!!!

Das mit dem English ist schon OK...mein Deutsch ist auch am rosten...HiHi...wenn ich mal was helfen kann dann lass es mich wissen....bin nur ein Hobby Leder guy aber immerhin fuer ca. 15 Jahre...

lass mal was hoeren, wiegesagt, wenn ich was helfen kann....oder du was brauchst ueber den grossen Teich....

Wenn du Lust hast dann schau mal in meien Webseite..>> www.berkheimarts.com



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Hallo Jens, willkommen im Fourm!

Ich bin auch reenactment-mäßig unterwegs, allerdings merowingerzeitlich.

Übrigens: "Ein Bier bitte!" :cheers:

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Vielen Dank für die netten Begrüßungen. Da fühlt man sich ja glatt wie zuhause.....ich brauch kein Englisch, wie es scheint :rolleyes: .

Thank you for the warm welcome. There are lots of germans or germanlike members at leatherworker.net it seems.

You're all very nice and there's plenty of good work in here, so I think, it was a great idea to become a member. Next week I'll start in doing some medieval arm suppliers. When it's finished, I'll show some pictures (if it's worth it).


Edited by feuervogt

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