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Posted (edited)

Just curious if anyone has a mold of a 1911 longslide. Doing a holster here for one and hoping to find a mold instead of going with an improv form for the last inch.

Needed on the asap so I'd owe you big time!


Edited by Shorts
  • Contributing Member

If you can't find the longslide, I'm wondering if you could use a barrel bushing mounted compensator. I don't think much of them for shootability, but for molding a longer slide.....

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Would that work...? It would add length but would it give the correct profile?


Posted (edited)
Just curious if anyone has a mold of a 1911 longslide. Doing a holster here for one and hoping to find a mold instead of going with an improv form for the last inch.

Needed on the asap so I'd owe you big time!


Howdy Monica

If your looking for a 1911 long slide rubber/plastic model, you may want to try a law enforcement catalog sales. LE uses them for training purposes.

I bought several from G T Distributing in Austin. www.gtdist.com 800 775 5996

Good luck

Edited by TimKleffner
  • Contributing Member

It kinda depends on the model. I've seen some that basically follow the profile, and some that are not much more than a small cylinder. It's really what's available and budget.

Monica, another option that comes to mind is to make a mold of the end of your bluegun, then cast it with resin. Finish by adding a small dowel as a mounting point, and drill out the muzzle of the bluegun. Once it's dried, you have your 'longslide'.

Posted (edited)

I looked for a long-slide dummy gun a while back and did not find anything by Rings or ASP. Duncans might be able to help (aluminum castings). Duncans, Bay City, Michigan 989-894-6691, www.duncansoutdoor.com.

I have a current order for a Colt Single-Action Army with 4.75" barrel in a closed-end holster, so my 7.5" won't do the job. Duncans took my order last Friday and the dummy arrived Wednesday. If they have it in stock they get it out quickly. If you have to wait until the next casting run it might be a few weeks.

Some folks don't care for the aluminum dummies from Duncans, as the exteriors can be a little rough. I've found them to be just fine for most applications, and they make more models than anyone else.

Edited by Lobo
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I think I'm going to have to go custom here.

I'm going to make my way to a hobby shop this weekend and get a resin casting kit if I can find them on the shelf. I've been wanting to do that for other projects in general so not a bad time to go ahead and try it.

I'll let yall know how it goes :)

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Ok, grabbed a casting kit from Hobby Lobby and got to it.

I made the mold with the rubber first, then cast the resin piece after that. From there I filed to level and length, then whittled the area out for the bushing and plug so that the cast piece sits flat on the end of the blue gun. All in all came out pretty close and I may do touch up. But I think it'll work as is.

Not sure how I'll secure secure it to the blue gun but that's just details. The hard part is done.

2 part putty made for super easy rubber mold


Resin cast piece molded to dowel to keep straight


Sorry for the crooked picture. This measures on the dot to 6" from the 5" measure


Pretty close


  • Contributing Member

Excellent job! The dowel across the top is a good idea- I'll admit I didn't think of using the attachment method for the sight channel. Will have to keep that in mind.

For a sturdier mounting, the only thing that comes to mind is to drill through the extension, and use a screw or bolt to mount to the bluegun.

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Excellent job! The dowel across the top is a good idea- I'll admit I didn't think of using the attachment method for the sight channel. Will have to keep that in mind.

For a sturdier mounting, the only thing that comes to mind is to drill through the extension, and use a screw or bolt to mount to the bluegun.

Yup, I thought about drilling through. My only concern, while probably not too risky, was cracking the piece. Instead of trying to out think it, I just taped the piece over the seam and then taped the dowel secure. With a fairly pliable wet piece of leather I was able to get the gun in there without dislodging the extension. I also did not press the end of the slide/muzzle like I normally would have to not put pressure on the joints, 1. so it doesn't show the seams and 2. so not to dislodge the extension. I just finger pressed where the leather needed it and boned like normal

Holster is molding now and I think it may come out ok :begging::rofl:

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why would you need a long slide gun?

depending on type of holster youre going to make having a long slide isnt necessary. if its going to be flapped, then it could be an issue, but i dont see it that way.

just do a partial takedown. remove the slide release, poistion the slide where you want it and tape the slide in place.

chances are the back end of the gun from the mag release is going to be exposed anyway, correct?

  • Members
why would you need a long slide gun?

depending on type of holster youre going to make having a long slide isnt necessary. if its going to be flapped, then it could be an issue, but i dont see it that way.

just do a partial takedown. remove the slide release, poistion the slide where you want it and tape the slide in place.

chances are the back end of the gun from the mag release is going to be exposed anyway, correct?

Hadn't thought of that.

I press mold and bone holsters for retention. I like form fitting.

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Shorts, I'm really impressed with the solution you came up with. I don't think I would have come up with that one. Can we see pics of the holster? Would you consider casting a few more of those and selling them?

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Shorts, I'm really impressed with the solution you came up with. I don't think I would have come up with that one. Can we see pics of the holster? Would you consider casting a few more of those and selling them?

Thanks Jeff. I'll have pics of the holster today. Fingers crossed it stops raining, I like taking photos outside.

I wouldn't mind casting a few. Now I don't think I'll file them down or whittle them though. Not passing the buck rather, for a custom fit piece, it's probably better for each person to finalize that fit to their blue gun.

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I would rather have them oversized so I could cut them down anyhow. Do you think the material is sturdy enough to take two small holes drilled through from front to back? I am thinking that a couple of matching holes in the dummy gun and some creative use of dowel pins and some JB Weld would make for a repeatable and more consistent mounting method.

'Hope your pics come out. In my case I think that I would trade a day of rain for some good picture lighting. My garden needs some help this year....

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Posted (edited)

I believe the material would be sturdy enough with a careful hand. I'm not certain of the hardness measure but the instructions state the piece can be stained, painted, dyed, drilled, tapped and machined. I think the challenge for the piece would be due to its size.

Here's the finished holster:



Sorry about the lighting. Its overcast and I didn't run through the full spectrum of settings on the camera when out there. I hear you on the rain. We'd been dry. I think I'm ok with a good rain once a week. It would certainly help the water bill and the yard. I'm still contemplating putting together a water collection system that could supplement our faucet.

Edited by Shorts
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very nice work once again Monica. i see you have a handle on the sewing machine. very well done.

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Thanks troop. I still get squirrely with the machine. Usually when my eyes go cross-eyed and I have to stop for a sec to catch myself. Getting a good feel for the go pedal as well as dropped the stitch length a hint. It's helped a bit to get better stitch line intersections and curves.

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:notworthy: Nice job Monica...on the holster and the casting. May I ask what the casting kit costs? Thanks, Carl

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:notworthy: Nice job Monica...on the holster and the casting. May I ask what the casting kit costs? Thanks, Carl

Thanks Carl.

From Hobby Lobby; the Resin casting kit ($19) and the Mold Putty kit ($15). I essentially bought a blue gun capability, without the gun.

If I were making a habit of using a resin kit in larger portions I'd actually order the Alumilite brand.

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Thanks for the info. I was just very impressed by the ingenuity.


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