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I am doing a belt from an aquarium society for the thank you to the person who has organized a national convention. I planned the belt out with fish that could be recognized as a specific species by aquarium hobbyists. Anyways, I ended up with six fish on a 54 inch belt. I did a border on it as well. My wife thinks it needs something between the fish. I am not sure. The last picture is some rocks I could do to add more carving.

Any suggestions welcome.











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Hi Az. Your belt is coming along! I like your fish. I agree with your wife. I also think it needs something between the fish. I like your Rock and Bubbles - they are a good idea. A couple of other ideas - Shells, wavy grass or choral. Thefigure carving bush tools might make good choral. Just a thought. - Deb

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I like your belt, too. How about some starfish or a hunk of coral? Some weeds? Maybe a diver?

How about a clownfish inside an anemone?

Edited by Hilly

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I think that bubbles would be a neat idea... maybe some gently sculpted "wave lines" with your modeling tool. I like the idea of seaweed, too, though...

Even that fluffy backgrounder (it's used for trees and clouds) would be kind of neat, not quite so much dead space...Or, heck, that could be used to make coral. :)

But so far, so good! ^__^.

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I agree, some wavy kelp, bubbles, and coral would look way cool, in moderation of course, you would not want to detract from the fishies.

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how about a hook & worm?

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maybe something a bit different between each fish

coral in one spot -- weeds in another

rocks and bubbles

I like the hook and worm

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I am trying to stay away from saltwater stuff, as these are all freshwater fish. (Any other cichlid geeks on here?)I like the idea of a coral reef belt though. Hmm... As far as a hook and line, I have threatened people with serious injury for wanting to bring them near my fish tanks, so will stay away from that as well.

I will add some rock piles with the bubbles between the fish, but not so much that it takes away from the fish. More pictures to come!

Edited by azrider

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I am trying to stay away from saltwater stuff, as these are all freshwater fish. (Any other cichlid geeks on here?)I like the idea of a coral reef belt though. Hmm... As far as a hook and line, I have threatened people with serious injury for wanting to bring them near my fish tanks, so will stay away from that as well.

I will add some rock piles with the bubbles between the fish, but not so much that it takes away from the fish. More pictures to come!

I have owned cichlids in the past, and have one now.  My firemouth meeki (named em Thor) is the only one I have now, my friend got my Jack dempsey seen as my tank want big enough for em. 

Did I see a cockatoo (dunno if I spelled it right) cichlid on there? 

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Yes, there is an Apistogramma cacatuoides on there. Grin, my main hope for this belt was that fish people would be able to recognize the species. Thanks Marrok!

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No problem.

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Fresh water, huh? Okay, how about an old boot, or a tin can with the lid cut all jagged with a sign that says "worms"? How about a log on the bottom with a lure stuck in it? These are all things that I have caught on a hook at one time or another. :lol: How about an anchor on the bottom?

My brother-in-law used to have a really big, really mean Oscar (I belive a member of the ciclid family?), and I swore there'd be fingers laying on the bottom of the tank if someone were to put their hands in there.

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