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What does everyone do to prep their blue guns before use? I used one yesterday, for the first time, and when I removed it from the holster the inside of the holster is 40% blue. How do I prevent this from happening? Am I going to have to wrap it in Saran Wrap? Can it be treated/paint removed? Uggggggggghhhhhhhh!

Can I dye over the blue on the inside of the holster? The holster has already been dyed Angelus black and slicked on the inside.



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I order mine directly from rings with out the paint on them.

When I first started to use blueguns I had a little bit of blue show up inside one of my holsters. I was able to just put dye on it and it was gone.

If its as bad as you say I would try a little acetone to remove the blue paint and then touch it up with dye afterward. Try a small spot first to make sure its not going to just smear the blue paint all over.

Good luck with it.

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If you have access to a blasting cabinet, walnut hulls will take most of the blue dye off of them. Chase that with a little laquer thinner and that should do the trick. - Or you could just mold a couple more holsters and then there won't be much dye left on the dummy gun :)

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I just use as is. A little blue rub off never hurt nobody :spoton: The dye covered/removed it sono worries.

When they were new they'd scuff a little but that has long stopped. I also don't holster blue guns after the molding process. I send my holsters out as tight as possible so once the gun is out, its out.

Don't worry, the blue will wear.

Posted (edited)
What does everyone do to prep their blue guns before use? I used one yesterday, for the first time, and when I removed it from the holster the inside of the holster is 40% blue. How do I prevent this from happening? Am I going to have to wrap it in Saran Wrap? Can it be treated/paint removed? Uggggggggghhhhhhhh!

Can I dye over the blue on the inside of the holster? The holster has already been dyed Angelus black and slicked on the inside.




Too late on this one, but woolfe is correct. I discussed this with John Ring, owner of Rings Blue Guns, and he advised to order direct and ask that the final dye be skirted. If you tell them it's for building holsters, they'll know what you need. The gun will still be blue, just not as pretty. Not sure it's worth it anyway; one day in a retention class and it'll look like it's been drug down a gravel road :deadsubject: ... This ordering direct has been mentioned in other posts ... I know, it's hard to read them all.

I think Jeff's walnut bead blast would be your best choice now. Barring that, careful with acetone or strong chemicals. I'd lean toward #0000 steel wool and order from Rings in the future unless you're assured it wasn't dyed.

I work mostly in natural russet color so I go straight to Rings.


Edited by Billsotx
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Thanks everyone your help and advice. I also talked to Rings today and they said mineral spirits would remove the remaining dye on the gun.

Thanks again, Carl

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Just to give an update...the blue was covered up by the black dye just as Woolfe and Monica said it would. Thank you ladies and gents...as always I feel well guided. I truly don't know what I would do without this forum. :grouphug5vj5:


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The next time you place an order with Rings Blue Guns tell them you are using the blue gun for holster making and to please NOT apply the final finish that allows the blue to adhere to the leather. That is what Johne Ring told me anyway.



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