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And also the first item I post here!

Sedgwick leather, completely handstitched.

Please tell me what do u think (feel free to critique, I'm here to learn).

Thank you :)








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I won't be much help because I don't know a thing about horse gear, but it looks very nice. The stitching looks good. And your horse is pretty, if that helps at all. :specool:

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like kckenny i havent done anything for a horse, but it looks very professional....and i like the horse allot too.

im sure others will chime in soon.

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Thats a very nice headcollar I particularly like the padding on the nose and cheek pieces. Also the brass hardware looks much nicer than the the stainless steel ones. Where did you get the hardware from as i have only been able to locate stainless steel for my bridlework.


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Thats a very nice headcollar I particularly like the padding on the nose and cheek pieces. Also the brass hardware looks much nicer than the the stainless steel ones. Where did you get the hardware from as i have only been able to locate stainless steel for my bridlework.



In the UK try http://www.abbeysaddlery.co.uk/ as they have a wide selection.

If you order from them, be very specific about what you want. Though they have always been helpful, they sometimes assume you have the same knowledge of the trade as they do and it can lead to the odd misunderstanding in deliveries.


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In the UK try http://www.abbeysaddlery.co.uk/ as they have a wide selection.

If you order from them, be very specific about what you want. Though they have always been helpful, they sometimes assume you have the same knowledge of the trade as they do and it can lead to the odd misunderstanding in deliveries.


Thanks Garry I will look them up on the Internet, Couldnt find out locally as there are not any proper saddlers around where I live any more so cant get local knowledge.


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Thank you very much for all your comments!

Thanks Garry I will look them up on the Internet, Couldnt find out locally as there are not any proper saddlers around where I live any more so cant get local knowledge.


More or less the same problem here: I must move 200km to reach a proper saddler, so I prefer to order online what I need. But in Italy it seems nobody want to sell small quantities to hobbyists like me, so I must order abroad or overseas.

For saddlery leather and hardware, the up-mentioned Abbey is an invaluable source. I use to order also from an US store called Ryans Products LLC (http://www.ryansproducts.com/).

Have a nice day,



Very nice! When did halters become "head collars"? I've been out of the horse world for a while; just curious.

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Halter is North American terminology and Headcollar (sometimes headstall) is British.


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Fabulous job! Your head collar is beautiful and your and stitching is very nice.


Very pretty!

One question: why did you set the snap so it faces out? Seems like it would go on quicker and easier if the snap faced the horse's cheek. (Also, every halter/head collar I've ever used in my life snaps towards the horse, so it sort of jumped out at me.)

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This is a pet peeve with me. So the hook of the snap doesn't rub the horse's face or worse yet, dig into it. I just repaired about thirty Tues. and already have another ten, so I do see a lot of halters and I would say 75% are crap. Whew, I wrote a bunch more, but I digressed, so I deleted it.

Nice job,


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Kevin is right: I kept the flat surface of the hook facing the horse in order to avoid chafing or worst.


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