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hat pattern

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I've always be a fan of home made pattern, using cardboard, cuting and recuting until the piece look kind what I want.

But I might need some help with ''linking'' the flat part with the ''raised'' part.

Do you raise little sqare left from the base?

do you use thin leather stich to both part?

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First terminology: The flat part is the brim. The raised part is the crown. The uppermost piece is the top.

The crown opening should be smaller than the brim opening. Take something like a hardhat that you can pull the crown down over so it won't collapse when you put on the brim. Put contact cement on the outside lower edge of the crown, and the bottom inside circle of the brim. When dry, carefully lower the brim down over the crown and press them together. It helps to mark a line in ink first on the crown so you know when to stop. You can then stitch the two together on a flat bed sewing machine from the inside.

(You have stitched the top onto the crown to begin). Turn over the perimeter of the brim and stitch it to itself, with a wire inside it. This will give your brim shape.

Use thin leather for all parts. The hat should be lightweight so it doesn't give you a headache to wear it.

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tank you,

sorry for my lack of vocabulary, my english is not yet perfect...

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