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Here are some chinks I finished this evening. I am still honing my skills and welcome all critiques or suggestions. They are a X-mas gift for the daughter.






Those look really good imo. I really like your choice of leather gives it a very cool look.

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Look Good Rand. Got any pics that are a little closer so I can see some more detail? I cant tell if the fringe is twisted or not and I cant see the tooling but they sure look great from distance I wanna see how great they look up close.

Good work buddy

Tim Worley


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Thank you both for the nice comments, and Tim...as you know my work looks best from ten or twenty feet away. LOL I'll have to try and get some more pics before X-mas.

Posted (edited)


I sure like the chinks. I hope you will re-load your pics. These pics appear that you have several stitching skips. If I would have done them, I think I would have used a dark brown thread on the legs. .... but that's me.

I'm with Tim .. I would like to see some close up of your work. They look good from here.

Happy tooling


Edited by TimKleffner
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Thanks Tim, I went back and looked at the pics, and I see where it appears that there are some missed stitches. Thankfully, its an allusion, although I don't know why. Between workin my day job, and dealing with frozen horse troughs tonight, I havent gotten around to new pics yet, but will try soon.

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They look nice, but I'd like to see them up closer,too. I figured where it looks like skipped stitches was just in the photo. Sometimes I will have that happen, too, and it's frustrating. For your horse trough you might consider tank heaters. Since we put them in it's sure nice not to haver to chop ice, and the stock drink more water, too.

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They look nice, but I'd like to see them up closer,too. I figured where it looks like skipped stitches was just in the photo. Sometimes I will have that happen, too, and it's frustrating. For your horse trough you might consider tank heaters. Since we put them in it's sure nice not to haver to chop ice, and the stock drink more water, too.

Yeah Randy it only 8 below this morning go buy a tank heater why dont ya. LOL

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Randy, awesome! I just wanted to give you an idea I have been trying and it has been working out pretty good. I am sure you have seen this, but if not then hey you learned something! I had some leather where the fringe was really stiff and it just looked funny when the guy was in his saddle. So I took them and soaked the fringe and then about an hour later I came back and on my work table I twisted each fringe tight and then took a small tack and nailed it into the table. left it there for a day or so came back and took some oil and soaked it again the next day I just used a head knife and cut them all off, they were all twisted, but the good thing was that those stiff fringe became like a limp noodle, the guy gave me an extra $100...

anyways like I said, if you knew this old trick already sorry, but ? just thought Id share, beautiful work though!

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OK, for those who have asked I have taken some closer pics. Man you really have to shed your ego at the door for this, cause the pics show all. Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments and help. I'll offer the first critisism....I don't like my choice of backgrounder.

"The herje"? Thanks for the sugestion, I don't like the stiff fringe either. I did twisted fringe on my wifes, and though time consuming she loves it. On these I gave them a coat of neatsfoot, and it has helped, but nothing works as good as just usin em. Anyway more feedback is great. Thanks to all.








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