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my girlfriend has a round canteen covered in leather and it looks cool. anyone know where i can get the plastic canteens so i can make some? we have a horse boarding business and i am getting back into the leather carving hobby(for now). Any resources would be appreaciated

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my girlfriend has a round canteen covered in leather and it looks cool. anyone know where i can get the plastic canteens so i can make some? we have a horse boarding business and i am getting back into the leather carving hobby(for now). Any resources would be appreciated

I go to Wal Mart and get the blanket covered canteens and then take then a part. They are fairly cheap and then just recover with leather.

Hope this helps a little.


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I order mine from www.campmor.com

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I got mine from campmor also



Edited by Luke Hatley

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go to military surplus stores they have different plastic canteens sometimes. Bronc/Bonnie

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I know the ones you are looking for, they are aluminum boy scout canteens. Not sure if they still make them but you can pick them up on ebay all the time.

They have the cap on the side at the top.

....and to throw in a shameless plug...........search the saddle forum for "canteen tutorial" and you will find a how to I did.

For some reason it never got pinned or anything it's just thrown in the mix with everything else so you'll have to search it....


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I know the ones you are looking for, they are aluminum boy scout canteens. Not sure if they still make them but you can pick them up on ebay all the time.

They have the cap on the side at the top.

....and to throw in a shameless plug...........search the saddle forum for "canteen tutorial" and you will find a how to I did.

For some reason it never got pinned or anything it's just thrown in the mix with everything else so you'll have to search it....


Hey Tim- the tutorial should have been pinned. It is now and I moved it to the "How Do I Do That" section. Here's the new link: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=15544&st=0

Sorry it got missed. Great Job!


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Thanks Crystal!!!

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