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Home Brew Sewing Machine Stand For An Adler 205 Dream Machine

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I recently bought a used Adler 205-374 with a needle positioning system and a motor that can run the machine very slow. The machine stand was a pile of junk so I had to do something about it.

I bought eight meters of 40x40x2 mm square tubing,cut it to pieces and welded it into a new machine stand of my own design. The pedals from the old stand are used. Tomorrow I´ll start making the table top from 2" pine boards.

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Next week I hope I´ll have my Dream Machine running on a new stand, and harness makers presser feet from Weaver are on their way across the Atlantic. A real upgrade from an old Singer 45K ( AD 1919) and a Tippmann Boss with bad morning temper !

/ Knut

Edited by oldtimer

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Great job!! If you have Baltic Birch Plywood available to you, might consider making your top of it.


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I recently bought a used Adler 205-374 with a needle positioning system and a motor that can run the machine very slow. The machine stand was a pile of junk so I had to do something about it.

I bought eight meters of 40x40x2 mm square tubing,cut it to pieces and welded it into a new machine stand of my own design. The pedals from the old stand are used. Tomorrow I´ll start making the table top from 2" pine boards.

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Next week I hope I´ll have my Dream Machine running on a new stand, and harness makers presser feet from Weaver are on their way across the Atlantic. A real upgrade from an old Singer 45K ( AD 1919) and a Tippmann Boss with bad morning temper !

/ Knut

Härligt! Gott jobbat!

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Härligt! Gott jobbat!

mange takk! ;-)

I´ll have the table top ready next week, a couple of holes to locate and drill, and then we´ll see if I´ll get the whole thing together - and working.

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I finished the table top today and made the assembly. The machine is running again and I´m happy with the result!post-5173-021247800 1288812686_thumb.jpg

post-5173-071488600 1288813258_thumb.jpg / Knut

(At least it is a bit better than the stand that was on the machine when I bought it ! )

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Edited by oldtimer

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Dang oldtimer you've done an awesome job with this stand! :You_Rock_Emoticon: I've been meaning to learn to weld for the longest, 2011 for sure.

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I finished the table top today and made the assembly. The machine is running again and I´m happy with the result!post-5173-021247800 1288812686_thumb.jpg

post-5173-071488600 1288813258_thumb.jpg / Knut

(At least it is a bit better than the stand that was on the machine when I bought it ! )

post-5173-097533900 1288813557_thumb.jpg

Nice work, you should be proud. Did you put any finish on that top? Some nice satin Poly would look good and keep it "pretty". rolleyes2.gif


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Nice work, you should be proud. Did you put any finish on that top? Some nice satin Poly would look good and keep it "pretty". rolleyes2.gif


The top is made of three layers, two layers of 18 mm pineboards, glued to a four mm plywood in between, which makes a total of 40 mm, same as the original top. The pine boards are glued with the fibers at 90 degrees angle, which makes a stiff table top. The top is finished with a satin polyurethane lacquer.

Next project, starting today, is a flat bed attachment.

When I get the harness makers feet, I´ll have my dream machine, (even if it is an Adler) :whistle:

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Made the flat bed attachment today, mission completed !

/ Knut

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It is the Dream machine!

Glem Kina cloner Adler ruler!

Bra Jobb!

Jeg ble inspirert!


The top is made of three layers, two layers of 18 mm pineboards, glued to a four mm plywood in between, which makes a total of 40 mm, same as the original top. The pine boards are glued with the fibers at 90 degrees angle, which makes a stiff table top. The top is finished with a satin polyurethane lacquer.

Next project, starting today, is a flat bed attachment.

When I get the harness makers feet, I´ll have my dream machine, (even if it is an Adler) :whistle:

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It is the Dream machine!

Glem Kina cloner Adler ruler!

Bra Jobb!

Jeg ble inspirert!


hei Tor !

Tack för kommentaren !

Den motor som sitter på är elektroniskt styrd och gör det hela till en fantastiskt brukbar maskin.

Jag har kompletterat maskinen med en LED-lampa på en böjlig arm idag, så nu ÄR den klar!

ha det bra! / Knut

Edited by oldtimer

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Ja en Efka variostop!?

Jeg har en Adler 204 med efka variostop, litt eldre enn din men har posisjon og kan sy så sakte jeg vil.

I tilegg har jeg montert en Speed reducer så den er sterk som en Svensk Norsk grense bjørn.

En Adler 205 370 står på ønskelisten min, men jeg har ikke råd nå. Fordi jeg har kjøpt så mange andre maskiner. Har snart huset fyldt med sy maskiner. Jeg får klare meg med min gamle Adler 5-27 så lenge. (modellen før Adler 105 med jump fot) veldig god maskin, men håpløst å få tak i deler til den.

Nei når vi snakker om sy maskiner så er det nazi mekanikken som gjelder! Usa har jo også noen fantastiske Needle and awl maskiner, men hvor ofte har man bruk for å sy en inch of leather? jeg kan ikke huske å ha gjort det noen gang. Det som er viktig er å ha noe man trives å jobbe med og som ikke trenger justering for hver ny ting man skal sy.

Når det gjelder pressisjon og kvalitet er det tyske i en klasse for seg selv. Så har du annen håndverdien, du finner aldri en billig Adler maskin. På Kina klonene ruster alle skruene opp på et år ( noen er bra andre dårige) Skal man sy veldig tykke matterialer kan man få tak i en Adler klasse 20 eller 120 (syr 1 inch uten noe problem)

Hvis man skal ha en friarm maskin som syr enda grovere enn 205`en gjør, kan man modefisere litt. Få tak i et større svinghjul og bygge høyere løft etc. Slik som Ferdco gjorde med sine Bull maskiner og Kina gjør med sine Juki kloner. Eksempel; Adler 105 Bull.

Jeg har tenkt å finne ut hvor jeg får tak i disse modifirerings delene. Det er et lite prosjekt jeg har for fremtiden, når og hvis jeg får det til skal jeg si ifra. Det er flere Kinesiske produsenter som lager deler som passer Adler maskiner og jeg har handlet deler der før.

En Adler 205- 370 med med høyt løft, Mega flywheel, speed reduser, luft og Efka posisjon motor det er The real Dream Machine! He he! Vi snakkes!

Hilsen a sewing machine freak


hei Tor !

Tack för kommentaren !

Den motor som sitter på är elektroniskt styrd och gör det hela till en fantastiskt brukbar maskin.

Jag har kompletterat maskinen med en LED-lampa på en böjlig arm idag, så nu ÄR den klar!

ha det bra! / Knut

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